Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How to Cure Cancer Naturally

I know it's a bold statement, but I want you to know that you can cure cancer. The first thing you need to know is that cancer is not a death sentence - no matter what you have been told. When doctors say "there is nothing more that can be done" they would be more accurate and, in my opinion, a lot wiser, if they said "there is nothing more that WE know to do". Time and again I have seen people recover from such death sentences.

The truth is, you can take control of your health and cure cancer or any other disease that may be afflicting you. It may sound impossible in today's environment because we are basically told that we cannot cure disease on our own, but humans have been curing themselves of disease since the beginning of humanity.

Here is a story I often tell my patients to give them some perspective. If you are not used to using a hammer or working with hand-tools and I asked you to come over to my house to help build a barn or a garage and you're hanging onto this hammer all day long pounding nails, what do you think would happen to your hand over time from the irritation of using that hammer? You would develop calluses - thick, dead tissue that would develop where you constantly irritate the skin of your hand. Now, what do you think would happen after you put the hammer down and you stop the irritation? What happens is that the calluses go away, naturally, as a result of the body taking care of itself.

This is exactly what happens in the body relative to cancer. If you are toxic, if you are out of balance, if you are nutritionally deficient or deficient in oxygen or hydration, your immune system is going to be compromised. Your pH is going to be on the acid side, you are going to have tissue hypoxia (not enough oxygen in the body) and what happens, as a reflection of all of that, is that you can acquire a tumor. You can acquire cancer. Actually, your body has been set up as a breeding ground for cancer!

Now, what happens if you stop the irritation? What happens if you detoxify your body and you hydrate and oxygenate it and you give yourself proper nutrition and exercise? Your immune system is no longer suppressed. It can modulate into an effective state -- the state that you were in prior to acquiring cancer -- and the body heals itself. It gets rid of the cancer.

When the irritating toxins and conditions are gone, the body's pH is shifted to alkaline and the immune system recovers its power -- the cancer goes away. That's how you can cure yourself of cancer.

Get to the causes of cancer and remove them -- not unlike holding a hammer, having calluses, setting down the hammer, and then having no calluses. That's how the body works and it works that way to cure cancer, to get rid of infections, and to deal with other "diseases".

The body knows how to heal itself, once it is given a chance. That's where the miracle of a natural cure for cancer can be found - it is in your own very nature. As soon as you stop doing things that create illness, and start doing things that create health, your body will have an opportunity to restore your vitality and recover your health. That is how you can cure cancer naturally.

Dr. James Chappell is known for his work with seriously-ill people. His website provides clear self-help tools to enable people to improve their health using natural means: More information about Dr. Chappell's natural approach to cancer is here:

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Acai Berry Cancer Research

The Acai berry seems like a magical food that cures everything. It can have positive effects on the heart and the brain, help you lose weight, clean the body of toxins, and much more. It's even been claimed that the Acai berry can fight cancer. But really, can one little berry do all of that? Well, some claims may be exaggerated, but a study from the University of Florida shows that yes, the Acai berry really can help battle cancer!

The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry has published an article by Stephen Talcott, an assistant professor at the University of Florida. Professor Talcott had studied the effects of the Acai berry extensively, and he noticed a very unique and amazing property: when he introduced an Acai berry extract to leukemia cells, 86 percent of those cells self-destructed. Talcott believes this may have been caused by the high amount of antioxidants contained in Acai berries. The berries contain almost 30 times the amount of antioxidants in a glass of red wine.

In a follow up study done shortly after Talcott published his finding, six different extracts made from the Acai berry were tested. Out of the six, four were shown to kill a significant number of leukemia cells over a 24 hour period. Different concentrations of the extract were tested, with different ones killing between 35 and 86 percent of leukemia cells.

While the study shows that the Acai berry extract can help defeat leukemia, there's no sure sign that it can prevent leukemia or other forms of cancer and disease. In fact, eating guavas, mangoes, and grapes has been shown to help reduce the number of cancerous cells in a body. Scientists such as Talcott have yet to be certain just how much of an effect foods high in antioxidants have against cancer, but they are certain that they are beneficial. The problem is that metabolism, nutrient absorption, and other factors often increase or decrease the antioxidants' effects. Since these factors can vary from person to person, it's hard to say exactly.

Acai berries have not been fully researched yet; in fact, about 50 percent of the berries contain unidentified compounds, and scientists are uncertain how those compounds affect the human body. One of the main issues found in researching berries is that the berries are perishable and lose much of their potency shortly after being picked. Scientists have only been studying the Acai berry for ten years or so, and there's still much to learn about the fruit.

Make up your own minds if the humble acai berry destroys cancer cells by visiting our Acai Berry Blog to find out about this and other topics related to acai berries!

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The Truth About Stage 4 Cancer Life Expectancy

There's no doubt that stage 4 cancer is one of the most horrible things that can happen to anyone, however, there have been contradictory articles regarding the life expectancy of a cancer at such an advanced stage. As a result, this article has been written to spell out, for once and for all, the facts about this issue.

Before I begin, let's get one thing straight. People who are suffering from any type of stage 4 cancer have very low 5-year survival rates. This is unfortunately a fact of life as the human race has still not come up with a cure for cancer. Despite this, you should never lose hope as there have been people who survived a stage 4 cancer and lived to tell the tale. It is highly recommended that you read their tales and draw strength and inspiration from them.

I will now go through a concise analysis of the life expectancy of 3 types of cancer.

Lung Cancer

Statistics show that people with stage 4 lung cancer have a 32% chance of living for one year while only 2% live longer than 5 years. This shouldn't be a cause for concern as that 2% means that there is still hope that you can enjoy many more years with your loved ones.

Colon Cancer

Unfortunately, there have been very few cases of people who have lived more than 5 years with stage 4 of this disease. However, with improvements in chemotherapy you can control the symptoms and prolong the life of a sufferer which could mean so much for them and their loved ones.

Bone Cancer

The good news about stage 4 bone cancer is that the 5-year survival rate is between 19 and 49 percent. That may seem encouraging but keep in mind that it depends on whether the cancer is benign or malignant.

Don't ever forget that your chances of beating cancer or increasing stage 4 cancer life expectancy is strongly dependent on your determination and attitude throughout.

Martin Sejas is a guest writer of a website dedicated to giving individuals crucial yet sound information on stage 4 cancer life expectancy. Visit our site for information on other important issues related to cancer.

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Top 5 Cancer Causing Foods

Have you ever wondered which foods are best to avoid when trying to prevent cancer?

The secret is to be able to identify which foods contain ingredients that are carcinogens, or cancer promoters. Once you know which ingredients will end up giving you cancer, you can read labels and avoid those foods altogether.

So, what are the ingredients to avoid?

Let's start with sugar. One of the ways cancerous tumors develop is by feeding on sugar in the bloodstream. If you are continuously overloading your body with sugar you're giving your body what it needs for cancer to flourish.

Next is sodium nitrite. This chemical is added to certain foods... mostly lunch meats and bacon...on purpose in order to make it look reddish and fresh. Once upon a time, meats were preserved with salt, but manufacturers eventually switched to this much more dangerous form of meat preservation.

Then there's hydrogenated oils. When oils are heated in the presence of hydrogen and metal catalysts, it makes them hydrogenated. this preserves the shelf life, but also creates trans fats. Aside from causing cancer, trans fats are bad for your heart and can even interrupt metabolic processes.

Finally, there's the acrylamide factor. Acrylamides are created during the frying process, when starchy foods are subject to high temperatures.

And so, taking all of the above into consideration...the top 5 cancer causing foods are:

1. Hot Dogs - Usually preserved with sodium nitrite and full of fat (among other things!)

2. Donuts - These contain hydrogenated oils, sugar, white flour and acrylamides. Talk about the perfect cancer causing food!

3. French Fries - Often made with hydrogenated oils. There would also be acrylamides present.
4. Processed meats and bacon - Lots of saturated fat and nitrites. You can find some without, but you'll have to ask.

5. Chips & crackers - Usually have white flour, sugar, and trans fats. many manufacturers also hide MSG in the form of yeast extract, and mess around with serving sizes so you actually take in a lot more bad stuff than you think.

There you have it. Avoid these foods most of the time and you're well on your way to avoiding that dreaded 'C' word altogether.

If you or someone you care about is already past the point of prevention...or if you'd just like some resources to help others...there are over 350 natural, non-toxic cancer treatments that have been proven to work and you can find them here:

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