Monday, April 6, 2009

Cancer and Complimentary Medicine

One thing I’ve noticed since being diagnosed with cancer is the animosity between conventional and alternative approaches to the disease. It can be quite contentious, no doubt because the stakes are so high. The lines are drawn: Western vs. Eastern; big business vs. folk culture; MDs vs. doctors of chiropractic, naturopathy and homeopathy; pharmaceuticals vs. herbs. Both sides in this civil war have their weaknesses and blind spots.

Conventional medicine is misguided when it treats the human body as a machine to be serviced by white-coated mechanics. We are complex creatures who are much more than the sum of our parts. With apologies to Renee Descartes, our minds do influence our bodies in profound ways. The medical establishment is also remiss in not focusing more on prevention as the first line of defense against disease and in not seeing nutrition as a vital part of treatment.

Alternative medicine is dangerous whenever it touts exotic cure-alls. There are no magic elixirs that can put everything right, even if they do come from a prehistoric valley in Utah (Dr. Wallach’s colloidal minerals) or from Himalayan-grown amalaki (Zrii), or from the inner leaf of the Aloe Vera plant (Ambrotose). Proper diet is central to maintaining or restoring good health, but not every medical condition can be fixed orally.

Dr. Ralph Moss offers sage advice in his newsletter:

"Cancer is a complex disease. It requires professional help. Regardless of the sometimes uncaring attitude of certain errant members of the medical profession, one should not reject everything that conventional medicine has to offer in favor of a regimen discovered on the Internet. The answer is not simply to construct a do-it-yourself program, but to find expert and sympathetic guidance in the rapidly expanding realm of complementary oncology."

I like the term "complimentary." It is built into the approach of the Memorial Cancer Center where I am a client. (I am not a patient, but more on that in another post.) They proclaim, "By integrating complimentary therapies with traditional medicine, we will take a holistic approach to cancer medicine that addresses patients’ physical, emotional and spiritual needs."

A dose of humility is in order for professionals of every stripe. When it comes to medicine no one has all the answers; everyone is still practicing.

By Mike Hamel
Published: 7/31/2008

Natural Cancer Treatment Vs Conventional Cancer Treatment

During anti cancer treatment (Conventional cancer treatment), it is difficult to protect the healthy cells of side effects caused by the drugs administered. Although the effects of treatment vary according to each patient and the medications used, all cancer patients suffer adverse effects of treatment that affect their skin, look and internal organs. An important part of the work of clinicians and patients is to precisely manage those potential side effects. The role of this article is to summarize the main side effects caused by different types of conventional cancer treatments and potential natural treatment (including nutrition, remedies and immunotherapy). Let’s start with the conventional methods.

There are four (4) types of anti cancer treatment:

Surgery – Surgery, the oldest form of cancer treatment, is used in cancer treatment either to remove only the tumor, or the entire organ. Cancer surgery offers the greatest chance for cure of cancers that have not spread to other parts of the body. However, no matter how successful a surgery can be, it provokes one or all the following side effects:
- Risk of wound infection
- Damage to internal organs and blood vessels during surgery
- Blood clots can form in the deep veins of the legs after surgery, especially if a person remains in bed for a long time
- Reactions to anesthesia or other medicines. Although rare, these can be serious because they can cause dangerously low blood pressures.
- Problems with other organs, such as the lungs, heart, or kidneys. These are very rare but can happen and can be life-threatening.

Radiotherapy - Radiation therapy is the use of ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It can be administered externally (external beam radiotherapy) or internally (brachytherapy).
Unfortunately, radiation can cause severe blood changes including drop in production of new blood cells, nausea, anemia and vomiting. Other short/long-term side effects of radiotherapy may include:
- Irritation and burning of the skin
- Infertility - radiation to the testicles can cause permanent loss of sperm production
- Fatigue is a common effect of radiation. It may be linked to anemia or weakened immune system
- Brain disorder - radiation therapy to the brain can cause changes in brain function that can lead to memory loss, lower sexual desire, etc.
- Skin disorder - radiation therapy can make your skin become tender or sensitive. The skin may also become dry and itchy. Peeling of the skin may occur.
- Second cancers – the radiation itself can cause Second cancers (metastases)
- Erectile dysfunction - radiation therapy to the pelvis can damage the arteries and nerves that supply the penis and cause problems with erections

Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment, its effects affect both healthy cells as cancer cells. Generally, these effects depend to a large proportion of drugs prescribed and their dosage. The anti-cancer drugs quickly affect cell division. This means that the white blood cells, which fight against infection, are also affected.

This combination of factors explains why patients are more prone to infections and fatigue or even anemia during cancer treatment. Similarly, this change of cell division causes hair loss or alopecia. Intestinal disorders such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and finally lesions in the mouth (mucositis) can be observed.

Hormonotherapy - Side effects caused by hormonotherapy depend largely on the type of treatment used and prescribed medicines.
One of the drugs in hormonotherapy is called Tamoxifen: it has the effect of depriving cancer cells of estrogen. The Tamoxifen can cause hot flashes, irritation or vaginal discharge, nausea and irregular menstruation.

During and after cancer treatment (conventional treatment)

Here are some advices that can help: Keep your diet low in saturated fats. Use mostly unsaturated fats such as fish oil and flax seed oil which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Eat fruits and raw vegetables abundantly; fruits and cruciferous vegetables reduce the risk of all types of cancers and their reoccurrences. Increase your intake of calcium; High intake of calcium reduces the risk of certain type of cancers. Maintain a normal weight; too much body fat is associated with a great number of diseases. Eat foods rich in antioxidant nutrients. Do not smoke! Cigarette smoke, including second hand smoke, is the number one cause of lung cancer. Exercise regularly and keep your body hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids daily; Silver water is necessary. Increase your fiber consumption; It is proven in several researches high fiber lower the chances of having colorectal cancers. Reduce stress, anxiety and depression by laughing, praying and singing; prayer is key to opening the door of impossibility.

Natural cancer treatment

Alternative cancer treatment is the use of herbal remedies to address the causes of the cancer (not just the symptoms) and boost the immune system to fight against pathogens and help the body heal itself. Taken regularly, certain natural herbal remedies may help to maintain the healthy functioning of every cell in your body and strengthen the immune system to ensure continued health and vitality. As we all know, a healthy strong immune system is a key element in protecting the body against infection or diseases like cancer, as well as in the promotion of recovery after illness and during cancer treatment.

Our cancer remedies do that and more. As such the strong tonic effect of the ingredients in our natural cancer remedies, they are of great benefit in maintaining systemic as well as cellular health. To learn more on how to fight cancer naturally, visit our natural cancer healing website.
By Remy Vixamar
Published: 8/9/2008

Natural Herbal Remedies and Vital Information for Cancer Victims

During anti cancer treatment (Conventional cancer treatment), it is difficult to protect the healthy cells of side effects caused by the drugs administered. Although the effects of treatment vary according to each patient and the medications used, all cancer patients suffer adverse effects of treatment that affect their skin, look and internal organs. An important part of the work of clinicians and patients is to precisely manage those potential side effects. The role of this article is to summarize the main side effects caused by different types of conventional cancer treatments and potential natural treatment (including nutrition, remedies and immunotherapy). Let’s start with the conventional methods.

There are four (4) types of anti cancer treatment:

Surgery – Surgery, the oldest form of cancer treatment, is used in cancer treatment either to remove only the tumor, or the entire organ. Cancer surgery offers the greatest chance for cure of cancers that have not spread to other parts of the body. However, no matter how successful a surgery can be, it provokes one or all the following side effects:
- Risk of wound infection
- Damage to internal organs and blood vessels during surgery
- Blood clots can form in the deep veins of the legs after surgery, especially if a person remains in bed for a long time
- Reactions to anesthesia or other medicines. Although rare, these can be serious because they can cause dangerously low blood pressures.
- Problems with other organs, such as the lungs, heart, or kidneys. These are very rare but can happen and can be life-threatening.

Radiotherapy - Radiation therapy is the use of ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It can be administered externally (external beam radiotherapy) or internally (brachytherapy). Unfortunately, radiation can cause severe blood changes including drop in production of new blood cells, nausea, anemia and vomiting. Other short/long-term side effects of radiotherapy may include:
- Irritation and burning of the skin
- Infertility - radiation to the testicles can cause permanent loss of sperm production
- Fatigue is a common effect of radiation. It may be linked to anemia or weakened immune system
- Brain disorder - radiation therapy to the brain can cause changes in brain function that can lead to memory loss, lower sexual desire, etc.
- Skin disorder - radiation therapy can make your skin become tender or sensitive. The skin may also become dry and itchy. Peeling of the skin may occur.
- Second cancers – the radiation itself can cause Second cancers (metastases)
- Erectile dysfunction - radiation therapy to the pelvis can damage the arteries and nerves that supply the penis and cause problems with erections

Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment, its effects affect both healthy cells as cancer cells. Generally, these effects depend to a large proportion of drugs prescribed and their dosage. The anti-cancer drugs quickly affect cell division. This means that the white blood cells, which fight against infection, are also affected.
This combination of factors explains why patients are more prone to infections and fatigue or even anemia during cancer treatment. Similarly, this change of cell division causes hair loss or alopecia. Intestinal disorders such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and finally lesions in the mouth (mucositis) can be observed.

Hormonotherapy - Side effects caused by hormonotherapy depend largely on the type of treatment used and prescribed medicines.
One of the drugs in hormonotherapy is called Tamoxifen: it has the effect of depriving cancer cells of estrogen. The Tamoxifen can cause hot flashes, irritation or vaginal discharge, nausea and irregular menstruation.

During and after cancer treatment (conventional treatment)
Here are some advices that can help: Keep your diet low in saturated fats. Use mostly unsaturated fats such as fish oil and flax seed oil which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Eat fruits and raw vegetables abundantly; fruits and cruciferous vegetables reduce the risk of all types of cancers and their reoccurrences. Increase your intake of calcium; High intake of calcium reduces the risk of certain type of cancers. Maintain a normal weight; too much body fat is associated with a great number of diseases. Eat foods rich in antioxidant nutrients. Do not smoke! Cigarette smoke, including second hand smoke, is the number one cause of lung cancer. Exercise regularly and keep your body hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids daily; Silver water is necessary. Increase your fiber consumption; It is proven in several researches high fiber lower the chances of having colorectal cancers. Reduce stress, anxiety and depression by laughing, praying and singing; prayer is key to opening the door of impossibility.

Herbal Cancer remedies

Alternative cancer treatment is the use of herbal remedies to address the causes of the cancer (not just the symptoms) and boost the immune system to fight against pathogens and help the body heal itself. Taken regularly, certain natural herbal remedies may help to maintain the healthy functioning of every cell in your body and strengthen the immune system to ensure continued health and vitality. As we all know, a healthy strong immune system is a key element in protecting the body against infection or diseases like cancer, as well as in the promotion of recovery after illness and during cancer treatment.

Our natural cancer remedies do that and more. As such the strong tonic effect of the ingredients in our natural cancer remedies, they are of great benefit in maintaining systemic as well as cellular health. To learn more on how to fight cancer naturally, visit our natural cancer remedies website.
By Remy Vixamar
Published: 9/2/2008

Anticancer: A New Way of Life

All of us have cancer cells in our bodies. But not all of us will develop cancer.

When David Servan-Schreiber, a dedicated scientist and doctor, was diagnosed with brain cancer, his life changed. Confronting what medicine knows about the illness and the little-known workings of his body's natural cancer fighting capacities, and marshaling his own will to live, Servan-Schreiber found himself on a fifteen- year journey from disease and relapse into scientific exploration and, finally, to health. Combining memoir, concise explanation of what makes cancer cells thrive and what inhibits them, and drawing on both conventional and alternative ways to slow and prevent cancer, Anticancer is revolutionary. It is a moving story of a doctor's inner and outer search for balance; radical in its discussion of the environment, lifestyle, and trauma; and compelling and cautionary in its proposal that cancer cells lie dormant in all of us -- and that we all must care for the "terrain" in which they exist. Advocating a sea change in the way we understand and confront can cer, Anticancer is a radical synthesis of science and personal experience, an inspiring personal journey, and certainly a guide to "a new way of life."

Anticancer tells us:

Why the traditional Western diet creates the conditions for disease and how to develop a science-based anticancer diet

How and why sugar and stress feed cancer -- and ways to achieve life balance and good nutrition to combat it

Why the effects of helplessness and unhealed wounds affect our ability to restore health

How to reap the benefits of exercise, yoga, and meditation

How to minimize environmental toxins

How to find the right blend of traditional and alternative health care


"Enormously compelling evidence and arguments for participating in our own health by supporting our deep natural capacity for healing. Everybody should read this book and enact its simple but potentially lifesaving recommendations. David Servan-Schreiber speaks with a powerful voice from both personal experience with cancer at a young age and from his life's calling as a physician and neuroscientist."
--Jon Kabat-Zinn, professor of medicine emeritus, University of Massachusetts Medical School; author of Full Catastrophe Living

''A mesmerizing, brilliant, astonishing, and well-documented journey detailing the extraordi nary successes and remarkable failures of efforts to wrestle with cancer in the modern world."
--Devra Davis, National Book Award finalist; author of The Secret History of the War on Cancer

"A courageous, sensible, and rational discussion on how integrative medical approaches may be used in the fight against this devastating disease. Anticancer is an absolutely indispens able guide for cancer survivors and anyone who wants to adopt healthy lifestyle habits in order to prevent cancer."
--Dr. Richard Beliveau, author of Foods That Fight Cancer

"Anticancer is a passionate and thoughtful book. It speaks to both the heart and the head. Dr. Servan-Schreiber builds on his own personal experience with cancer and his medical training to show that life with cancer can be enhanced by changing diet and exercise and living not in fear but fully. Read it and leap into a vibrant life with and against cancer."
--David Spiegel, MD, Willson Professor and associate chair of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine; author of Living Beyond Limits: New Hope and Help for Facing Life-Threatening Illness

Author Bio
David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD, is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and cofounder of the Center for Integrative Medicine. He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Paris, France.
Conventional and alternative ways to slow and prevent cancer.

By Buzzle Staff and Agencies
Published: 8/19/2008