Thursday, August 14, 2008

Alternative Cancer Therapies

Alternative Cancer Therapies

There are many alternative cancer therapies available. The following descriptions encompass those which are most widely sought. There are additional therapies which we are adding on a second page that are not used as widely to treat cancer.

ACID/ALKALINE BALANCE: This treatment is a combination of acid-neutralizing minerals like calcium and magnesium to supply proper mineralization and to correct the acid/alkaline balance of the body. Two proponents of this treatment are Carl J. Reich, M.D. and Bob Barefoot. In addition another approach is the use of Potassium, Rubidium and especially Cesium, which are alkaline elements. When taken, it is believed they alkalinize cancer cells (neutralize their acid nature). Cancer cells do not survive in the higher PH ranges and die off.

ADJUNCTIVE THERAPIES: Adjunctive therapies are used in conjunction with others. Most cancer patients are found to be deficient in selenium, so many doctors add it to their protocol. Therefore, it would be considered an "adjunctive therapy." Other adjunctive therapies would include: detoxification, specific vitamins and supplements like Vitamin C and Co-Q 10, water therapy, and nutrition balancing.

  • Detoxification, the removal of toxins from the body, is considered by many clinics as a very important part of their treatment. A variety of approaches are used, including colon cleansing, fasting, chelation, water therapy, heat therapy, and nutritional, herbal, and homeopathic methods. Max Gerson introduced coffee into the enema procedure, which causes the liver to release stored up toxins into the digestive system to be eliminated. Increasing your water intake may be one of the best ways to get rid of toxins in the body.
  • Nutritional therapy: Two types or approaches are emerging. One is a specialized combination of nutrients used as a targeted cancer therapy, depending on the individual needs of the patient. The other, which also depends on the needs of the patient, is a more general approach seeking to boost health and strength.
  • Psychology and Psychotherapy, although used at most clinics, would be considered an adjunctive therapy. Psychological counseling, support groups and even psychotherapy make up a critically important aspect of therapy in the world's most successful cancer treatment centers. Some doctors have reported that a traumatic psychological event in a person's life may trigger the appearance of cancer one to two years later. Music, meditation, relaxation techniques, and stress reduction have proven to significantly enhance the power of the immune system. Some therapists include emotional and even spiritual counseling, not only for the person's regular life, but in dealing with the trauma of cancer. Biofeedback can also be used, where a person visualizes the immune cells of the body attacking the cancer cells.

AMYGDALIN (LAETRILE): When the natural substance called amygdalin is purified and concentrated for use in cancer therapy, it is called Laetrile. Amygdalin is extracted from apricot seeds and prepared in both tablet and injectable form. The injectable is more concentrated and capable of delivering higher doses in a shorter period of time. It is usually recommended at the onset of treatment for patients who are seriously ill. After several weeks or a month, if the patient responds well to treatment, the physician will reduce the dosage and prescribe tablets to replace injections. This therapy is usually used in conjunction with the proteolytic enzymes, a broad-spectrum nutritional program, and a diet calling for fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and the elimination of meat and dairy products for the duration of treatment. For more information go to our Laetrile information page.

ANTINEOPLASTONS: These are amino-acid compounds (called peptides) found in the blood and urine of healthy people but which are deficient in cancer patients. They were discovered in 1967 by Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D., while a graduate student in Poland. When Burzynski came to the United States to practice medicine, he patented a process for manufacturing these substances and began to administer them to cancer patients on the theory that they will cause cancer cells to revert back to normal cells. In spite of fierce opposition by the AMA and FDA, many patients claim that their cancers have been controlled by this treatment.

CAAT - Controlled Amino Acid Treatment is a novel nutritional approach to cancer treatment developed by Angelo P. John at A.P. John Cancer Institute.

ELLAGIC ACID: Ellagic Acid is a newly discovered extract derived from various fruits such as red berries and pomegranates. Tests conducted at the Hollings Cancer Institute at the Medical University of South Carolina show that Ellagic Acid has "proven to be effective in preventing cancer, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells." In addition, Ellagic acid acts as a scavenger to bind cancer-causing chemicals, making them inactive. ELECTRONIC THERAPIES: Rife, Beck, Clark, and others have used electronic therapies to treat cancer. Many have had successes treating cancer using these devices

Electrotherapy, also known as electrochemical tumor therapy, Galvanotherapie and electro-cancer treatment (ECT), was developed in Europe by the Swedish professor Björn Nordenström and the Austrian doctor Rudolf Pekar. The therapy employs galvanic electrical stimulation to treat tumors and skin cancers. ECT is used most often as an adjunct with other therapies. Using local anesthesia, the physician inserts a positively-charged platinum, gold or silver needle into the tumor and places negatively-charged needles around the tumor. Voltages of 6 to 15 volts are used, dependent upon tumor size. To enhance the cancer-cell-killing power of ECT, sometimes small amounts of chemotherapy agents are applied to the skin and driven into the tumor by a kind of sweating effect of the electric current ("iontophoresis"). ECT works by influencing the acid/alkaline (pH) levels within the tumor and causing electrolysis of its tissue, which is more susceptible to direct current than normal tissue. The pH change depolarizes cancer cell membranes and causes tumors to be gently destroyed. The ECT process also appears to generate heat shock proteins around the cancer cells, inducing cell-specific immunity. This process triggers Natural Killer cells.

  • Magnetic Resonance or Bio-resonance: A newer technique based on an older technology. All cells have a natural frequency of resonance and cancer cells differ in frequency from normal cells. Radio waves set to resonate with cancer cell frequencies can destroy them similar to the way a high pitched note breaks a glass. It has never been adopted by the conventional medical establishment in the United States, but Bio-resonance devices have been in use in Europe for 23 years.
  • Radiowaves set to resonate with certain frequencies can harm the cancer cells similar to the way in which a tone set to the proper pitch can shatter glass without harming other adjacent substances.
  • Rife machines were developed by Royal Rife, one of the originators of this bio-technology. These devices transmit specific electronic signals to deactivate or destroy living pathogens, bacteria, and cancers. Rife also developed special electron microscopes. Rife machines have been outlawed by the FDA, but some clinics like American Metabolics use them in treatment. for more information.
  • Zappers are discussed below

ENZYMATIC THERAPY: Enzyme therapy is generally broken down into two types: food enzymes and Proteolitic enzymes. Several researchers including Dr. John Beard, Dr. Ernst Krebs, Jr., and Dr. Dean Burk found that the cancer cell is coated with a protein lining and that it is this protein lining (or covering) that prevents the body’s normal defenses from getting to the cancer cell. They found that, if you can dissolve the protein lining from around the cancer cell, the body’s normal defenses, the leukocytes (white blood cells), will destroy the cancer cell. Woebenzyme is a product from Germany that appears to do just that. Chapters five and six of the book World Without Cancer describe this process in more detail.

  • The FDA has approved the Orphan Drug application of Wobe-Mugos as an adjunct therapy for multiple myeloma. Wobe-Mugos is a combination of systemic enzymes, used successfully in Europe in conjunction with chemotherapy since 1977.

DIET AND FOOD THERAPIES: Many centers are using a variety of food therapies to treat cancer. Max Gerson began in the fifties saving lives using a strict diet of fresh vegetables and fruit. Many people have had successes just using a macrobiotic diet, vegetarian diets, and the Budwig diet. Others add products like wheat grass, barley green, and broccoli sprouts to their diet because of special properties they contain. For example, broccoli sprouts (not just broccoli) contains a cancer-fighting agent known as sulforaphane that prompts the body to make an enzyme that prevents tumors from forming. For more information, go to our list of cancer fighting foods

  • Budwig diet/flax seed oil: The Flax seed (Linseed) oil diet was originally proposed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and expert on fats and oils in 1951. Her simple formula of two tablespoons of flaxseed oil to a quarter cup of low fat cottage cheese (or other foods containing sulfur) helps increase metabolism, boosts the immune systems, reduces cholesterol levels, and helps inhibit cancer-cell growth.
  • Hallelujah Acres Diet developed by Dr. George Malkmus is a vegetarian diet that has helped with a variety of diseases, including cancer. For more information, go to their website at
  • Low sugar Diets seem to starve cancer cells. Cancer cells seem to use sugar as their basic "fuel." In addition, a high sugar intake seems to increase factors in the body responsible for creating conditions that encourage cancer to grow - for example, high acidosis, immune system suppression and prosglandin production.

HERBAL EXTRACTS/PLANT PRODUCTS: There are many herbal extracts and concoctions and plant products used to treat cancer. These include:

  • Artemesia, also known as wormwood is being researched as a safe, non-toxic, and inexpensive alternative for cancer patients.
  • Italian researchers have found that an extract from the chuchuhuasi tree fights tumors and reduces inflammation. (It is often used for arthritis.) We have not had time to research this product.
  • Essiac tea is an herbal concoction composed of Burdock, Indian Rhubarb, Sorrel, Slippery Elm and other ingredients. It was developed by a nurse in Canada, Rene Caisse (Essiac is Caisse spelled backward). Caisse gave the formula to a company in Canada who markets the product today. Indian Rhubarb contains benzaldehyde, one of the components of Amygdalin (Laetrile). Many alternative physicians use Essiac to help cleanse the blood, especially if a patient has been on chemotherapy or radiation. Note: Not all formulas being sold today are authentic. To read more about Essiac go to Rene Caisse's story.
  • Graviola is a product from a tree in the Rain Forests of the Amazon. Producers claim it is stronger at killing colon cancer cells than common chemotherapeutic drugs and that it hunts down and destroys prostate, lung, breast, colon, and pancreatic cancers, while leaving healthy cells alone. It is supposed to help one's immune system as well. Go to for information. We have not heard from anyone that has successfully used this product. If you are aware of anyone that has, be sure to let our webmaster know.
  • Hoxsey is an herbal concoction composed of poke root, burdock root, barberry root, buckthorn bark, and stillinga root. It is administered in two forms. One is taken orally and the other is a salve (containing blood root) which, if the tumor is on or close to the surface of the skin, is applied topically. The formula was first used in 1924 by Harry M. Hoxsey, a controversial and colorful figure who said he obtained it from his grandfather. The elder Hoxsey was a farmer who observed one of his horses apparently cure itself of cancer by instinctively eating certain plants. Many plants which animals seek when they are ill contain nitrilosides. Amygdalin (Laetrile) is classified as a nitriloside. For more information on Hoxsey, go to our books and videos section or the clinic page.
  • Pau D'Arco is an extract from the inner bark of a certain South American tree. Lapachol, the active ingredient, can produce strong biological responses against cancer. It is said that the pau d'arco tree yields lapachol and 20 other compounds that may be useful in treating cancer, lupus, diabetes and Hodgkin's Disease.
  • Radium weed, also known as petty spurge or Euphorbia peplus, may hold the key to treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer. It has been used as a folk treatment for skin conditions for hundreds of years. An Australian company Peplin Biotech has been studying the active compounds in the weed and finding very good results.
  • Red Clover - Used for centuries. The National Cancer Institute researched the herb and found 4 anti-tumor compounds in red clover.
  • Saw Palmetto is often used in the treatment of prostate cancer.
    Tian Xian (pronounced "Dianne Sean") is a Chinese herbal supplement with ingredients that help control, inhibit and destroy cancer cells. Go to or for information.

HYPERTHERMIA: The theory behind hyperthermia (heat therapy) is that raising the temperature of the body increases circulation and also increases the supply of oxygen to the cancer site. Cancer cells do not thrive in the presence of oxygen. Tumors and cells located near the surface of the body are more vulnerable to heat treatments than those protected deep inside. Although the prolonged high temperatures can be uncomfortable to the patient, this treatment has produced excellent results.

IMMUNE-SYSTEM BOOSTERS/IMMUNO THERAPIES: Also called Biological Response Modifier Therapy. A biological response modifier is a substance that stimulates the body's response to infection and disease. Products like Colostrum, MGN3, IP6 (Inostal), Iscador (Mistletoe), and mushroom extracts help rebuild the immune system and have been successful in fighting and in many cases reversing cancers. Many centers use some form of immuno therapy. Some use herbs, such as Echinacea, Pau D'arco, and Mistletoe, while others use those factors found in a healthy immune system already such as interferon, interleukin, gamma globulin, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF).

  • Agaricus mushrooms from Brazil have been found to be very potent.
  • Aloe vera helps the body fight infections and malignant cells. It is also a detoxifier and an immunomodulator, meaning it will balance your immune system. One company, Mannatech, produces a stabilized aloe extract in pill form called Ambrotose.
  • Alpha lipoic acid has been found to have a number of positive impacts in relation to cancer. In its antioxidant capacity, it protects a complex called NF kappa B. NF Kappa B is involved in controlling cell division and is often damaged in cancer cells (by free radicals). When this damage happens NF Kappa B is activated and oncogenes can take over the cell cycle leading to uncontrolled cell division and cancer. ALA in conjunction with N-Acetyl Cysteine has been found to repair functional defects in the immune systems of cancer patients as well.
  • Beta Glucan helps build up ones immunity and can have anti-tumor effects.
  • Carnivora is an extract of the Venus Fly Trap plant. Carnivora externally applied has helped with skin cancers and when taken in capsules, may stop the halt or reduce tumor growth. The active component of carnivora is plumbagin, a powerful immunological booster.
  • Chlorella, a single cell algae, also helps build the immune system.
  • Colostrum is the fluid given by the mother's breast within 24 hours after giving birth. It is a nutrient loaded with immune-system boosters. Colostrum collected from calves are a good source and can be found at many health food stores.
  • Ganoderma is a unique product containing vitamins, minerals, and different mushroom species. It helps build the immune system and helps with detoxification, especially of the liver. It also helps with the side effects of chemo and radiation.
  • Graviola - see Herbal/Plant Products above
  • Inositol is a natural phytochemical (plant chemical) found in rice bran. Several studies since the mid-1980s have shown it to increase Natural Killer (NK) cell activity and exhibit anti-tumor activity.
  • Interferon, or the Koch serum which is supposed to force the body to create interferon, stimulate the growth of certain disease-fighting blood cells in the immune system, and to help slow tumor growth. These substances are normally produced by the body, but some are produced in the laboratory.
  • Interleukin-2 is a synthetic version of a naturally-occurring cytokine found in the human immune system. In conventional treatment, larger doses of this are used vs. smaller amounts used by alternative clinics. Also, recent studies seem to indicate that melatonin combined with IL-2 may be more effective than chemotherapy in treating lung cancer.
  • Iscador is an extract of Mistletoe.
  • MGN3 was developed by Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum from extracts of rice bran and mushrooms. In published studies, MGN-3 was shown to greatly increase NK cell activity. One source is Lane Labs.
  • Shark Liver Oil (below) is another good immune system builder.

Insulin Potentiation Therapy: IPT is an innovation in cancer care using insulin to magnify the powerful cell-killing effects of ordinary chemotherapy drugs, which can then be used in very low doses. Because cancer cells have so many more insulin receptors than normal cells, insulin acts on them much more strongly. The end result here is that the chemotherapy drugs get effectively targeted just on the cancer cells to kill them, with little or no effects on normal tissues. Thus IPT can avoid the dose-related side effects of chemotherapy. One of the clinics using this approach is Contemporary Medicine, run by Dr. Steven Ayers.

METABOLIC THERAPY: The dictionary definition of the word metabolic is that which pertains to the physical and chemical processes involved in the maintenance of life. There are two kinds of metabolism: anabolism, the process by which simple substances are synthesized into complex ones; and catabolism, the process by which complex structures are broken down into simple ones. Anabolism is associated with the growth and repair of healthy tissue. Catabolism is associated with the disease state and the breakdown of tissue. When the term metabolic therapy is used by doctors of alternative medicine, it denotes, not a specific therapy, but a category of treatments which are non-toxic, non-invasive, and which support the anabolic process. Diet and enzymes are key in this type of therapy. Dr. William Kelly and Dr. Nicholas Gonzales are well known for their use of metabolic therapy in treating cancer. Dr. Kelly's book is online at, or you can order it from Christian Cancer Volunteers at 316-290-2128.

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