Friday, March 6, 2009

Cancer - Final Stages

When a cancer reaches it final stages, or also known as advanced cancer, it's usually no longer treatable. In these stages, the cancer has spread from where it started to other parts of the body. It is called "locally advanced cancer" if t has spread to only adjacent or nearby areas. If it has spread to distant parts in the body, it is now "metastasis cancer".

Cancer staging is the process of finding out whether it has spread and how far from the primary site. Although there are more than one system used for staging different cancers, TNM staging system is used most. It gives 3 key pieces of information: T indicates the size of the tumor; N refers to the cancer spread to the close by lymph nodes and M notes whether the cancer has spread to other organs or part of the body. The numbers and letters after these TNM letters give more information regarding each of these factors. The descriptions of TNM can be grouped together and labeled with Roman numerals from I to IV, a simpler set of stages. The lower the number, the less the cancer has spread and more controllable and treatable. The higher the number, it is more serious and hard to treat.

It is scary situation if a member of your family has reached the final stages of cancer. Witnessing a life that is coming to and end is heart breaking. It takes a lot of courage to be there and care for a cancer patient. At the final stages, the patient is usually very ill and dying, unable to walk but only a few steps, some time in much pain, confused and very depressed since his or her days are numbered. He or she tends to pull away or withdraw from people, disconnecting from life. The patient is under much anxiety and so are the family members. It is very important for family members to be understanding and patient with the cancer patient. Just stay around and show that you care and are there for them. Lending your ears and listen to what they have to say or want to get off their chest. A gentle smile or a gentle touch is all you need to do to soothe the dying person. Prayers are very helpful too. Offer to pray for them or praying with them. Your caring and sincerity can be felt and greatly appreciated.

Paying attention to the water you drink daily is one way to prevent cancer development. About 70% of the bodies' weight is water. It is the very thing the body needs most. Water is accountable for many body functions. Drinking enough clean and fresh water not only improves your overall health and well-being, it may also prevent you from many ailments and sicknesses. Give your body the quality water it deserves and in turn, it will serve you with the optimal health and appearance you have always desired. For the best possible water for your health, right from the faucet, for pennies per gallon, please visit Drinking Water Safety. After all, who wants to fill 70% of their bodies' weight with impurities, toxins and chemical treated water?

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