Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cancer’s Comfort Zone VS. The Human Healing Zone

Dr. Otto Walburg, a Nobel-prize winner, stated that “the primary cause of cancer is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration with anaerobic respiration.”

Normal respiration in a cell is determined by the normal flow of oxygen-rich compounds, and glucose, and mineral salts into and out-of the cell. For the cells of the human body to remain healthy they must be in a slightly alkaline, oxygen-rich condition. Alkaline compounds, solutions and tissues absorb needed oxygen. In this “slightly alkaline, oxygen-rich” condition normal cells can “burn” glucose as a cellular fuel.

Cancer cells cannot allow the free-flow of oxygen, like normal cells do. Cancer cells can only obtain energy through fermentation of glucose, a conversion process that does not require oxygen. Consequently, cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygen-rich, slightly alkaline environment, because glucose “burns” in the presence of oxygen!

Acidic fluids expel cellular oxygen, cancer cells flourish in an acidic environment, because they’re content to feed on the few available nutrients they make by fermenting glucose inside the oxygen-poor, acid-rich environment of cancer cells. Normal cells must divide/replicate in order to survive, but when normal cells are in an acidic environment, replication can be very difficult, consequently, cancer thrives in an oxygen-poor, acid-rich environment, and normal cells begin dying-off.

You have an unfair advantage over cancer.

Because you have ultimate control over the foods that you eat! Fruits and vegetables are some of the most alkaline substances available. The FDA already recommends that you should eat 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day! When you alkalize your body you cause two significant changes:

1. Your blood and tissues take in needed oxygen again.

2. Healthy tissues do great, but cancerous tissues cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment, and will begin dying-off in a matter of days.

Two Key Components in the Daily Diet: Acid-Forming Foods and Alkaline-Forming Foods.

Most high protein foods (meat, fish, poultry and eggs), and nearly all processed carbohydrates (grains, breads and pastas) and fats are “acid-forming.”

Fruits, high protein vegetables and Free Form Amino Acids are not acid-forming, and have no acidic residue, while offering buffering capabilities to the body to help offset acidic wastes.

When working toward re-balancing your body pH, you should strive to get a 70:30 ratio of alkaline food to acidic food.

Are you eating anti-cancer foods

It’s no secret that consuming a diet high in phytonutrients, antioxidants, Omega oils, dark fruits and vegetables and other good things are a big step in the right direction.

With tens of thousands of anti-cancer products, foods and methods to choose from, trying to find a reliable combination of substances that will work to defeat your cancer, can be a serious challenge for the time-strained consumer.

If you’re like most people you just want to find a simple list of healthy anti-cancer foods and supplements that you can acquire cheaply and use at your own convenience. And a plan that helps you destroy cancer the fast efficient way. This is your lucky day!

Green Powders

Wheatgrass and Barleygrass powders are high in protein, and each supplies most of the crucial supplements for preventing and reversing cancer. It takes more than a pound of vegetables to equal the incredible concentration of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, plant enzymes, protein and fiber found in five teaspoons of most green powders. If you’re eating right, just one teaspoonful of green powder in one liter of water daily, will provide all you need to balance your body, and begin to put cancer behind you.

Alkalizing pH Drops

Add alkalizing pH drops (from health food store) to your green powder drinks. The drops will increase the benefits of both the water and the green powders, making them still more alkalizing, oxygenating, and pH balancing. The pH drops act as oxygen and electron catalysts, bringing more of both into your blood and thus to all the cells of your body, which need it for optimum performance. Add 16 drops to each liter of water or green drink.

Balanced pH

The acid-alkaline balance of the fluids in the body determines which kinds of organisms will thrive in it. Cancer has been shown to flourish in a 7.0 and lower pH. While a pH range of 7.1 to 7.3 (fasting saliva test) allows the body to heal. An estimated 95% of the U.S. population is too acidic (less than pH 7.0) in their body’s tissues and fluids.

By now, you realize why it’s so important to create at least a normal pH.

Go to a health food store and get a pH test kit (litmus paper or strips), and follow the instructions. If you are too acidic (normal body pH is between 7.1 to 7.3), you should eat 7-10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day to get out of the acid range and into the alkaline range. Balancing the pH in itself is a HUGE step toward reducing your risk of cellular damage and terminating the cancer cells, all in one easy step.

Cancer doesn’t have to be a death sentence!

If you’re like most people who have been diagnosed with this mysterious disease, you probably believe you have no control over such a complicated situation. Most people’s natural reaction to a cancer diagnosis is to just let the pros handle it. After all this is what they do?

Well, let’s take a minute to think about that, the medical community has had millions of encounters with this disease. But the statistics prove that what they’ve chosen to do about cancer is a BIG statistical loser in their so called “war on cancer”!

Cancer rates in 1900 were just 3% of the population and now it is 25% of the population. The World Health Organization released a report entitled; “Global cancer rates could increase by 50% to 15 million by 2020.

The overall increase of all cancers from 1950 to 1995 was 55 percent. Overall five year survival rates for all cancers have remained virtually static since 1970, from 49 to 54 percent.

In 2000, more than 1.2 million new cancer diagnoses are expected, and some 550,000 (1,506 a day) Americans will die from the disease.

In 2008, a total of 1.4 million new cancer cases and 565,650 deaths (1,549 a day) from cancer are projected to occur in the United States.

We all know that no one wants to be exposed to the horrors of unnecessary surgeries, radiation and having toxic chemotherapy substances injected in them. But, did you know that doctors who were interviewed at a recent convention, stated that if they were diagnosed with cancer, 90 percent of them said that they “would NEVER undergo chemotherapy themselves, and would not recommend it to any of their family members either!” Not very reassuring is it? Would you submit to procedures that most doctors wouldn’t want to have done to them? I wouldn’t either!

Real people beating real cancer, it happens all the time!

I’m here to tell you, YES, you can beat cancer, and the best way to get started is by working diligently to oxygenate your cells and blood by restoring them to a normal, slightly alkaline pH!

Oxygen deprivation is only part of the overall picture! Yet, ALL of the other procedures that must follow are useless if you do not alkalize and oxygenate your cells and blood.

The conventional cancer treatment community could have and should be focused on oxygenating your cells and blood in their practice’s, but they don’t do that! Not because it doesn’t work. On the contrary, it works and they know it! And now you know it! And now they can’t make a dime off of you!

You see, they know that if you get well, you go away, they never see you again, and they’ve lost another source of income, to wellness! You’re life is worth more to you and the people you love than all that! Wellness must be YOUR goal!

I could write an article about that subject only, but the fact remains, you are not just somebody’s gravy train. You don’t have to settle for barely alive and feeling miserable, when you can have complete and total wellness again!

You can choose wellness as YOUR goal, but it becomes YOUR responsibility to make it happen in YOUR life! Don’t miss out! YOU can do it! But do it NOW! There’s no time like the present, my friend!

Taking Action Steps.

Now that you’ve discovered one of the best secrets of how you can proceed to reverse the oxygen deprivation that is making you sick, you need a plan of action!

What will you do now? When will you do it? And for how long?
How will you know when you’ve succeeded?
Define what success in this situation means to you.
How much of your life will you win back?
Why you want to do something is often more important than the goal itself.
Keep your examples in mind as you forge ahead in your quest for wellness.

You must make a choice about your beliefs, deciding that if you follow this process, you’ll do just fine!

People who have defeated cancer on their own have a commonality of certain aspects:

1. They all have a tenacious desire to live, and
2. an intense desire to be well again, and
3. they hold themselves accountable for what they believe in, and
4. what they know must be done, and they
5. push themselves through the tough times, the
6. dietary changes, and they
7. take control of the wellness process.
8. They keep a positive mental attitude.
9. Fear has no place in their plan. Fear only drains energy.
10. Confidence allows them to stick to the process and do the right thing.

Dietary Changes

I know its not easy to change your diet. I suggest you start by avoiding fast food restaurants. Keep fresh vegetables in the refrigerator and snack on those. Keep fresh fruit on the table, you’ll be better off nutritionally. Juicing them is good too!

Some Words of Caution:

Whether you’re using the conventional or alternative methods, you will find that as cancer tumors break-up they can dump a load of acidic residue into the bloodstream, the liver must clean this residue out of the blood. The liver then discharges it through the bile ducts to the intestines for disposal. The liver needs to be cleansed with five liters of water a day during this phase, or it could get clogged with all of the debris. A completely clogged liver could kill you! So see a doctor and get your liver tested. Get check-ups weekly and ask your doctor about milk thistle for liver detox.

Also, as more cells begin normal respiration, you will need to supplement potassium into your daily diet. So get your blood potassium levels checked by your doctor weekly also.

Yours in cancer free living!

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