Friday, March 6, 2009

Popular Celebrities That Have Been Diagnosed With Cancer

It's been dubbed the dreaded C and a lot more. It's a disease that can shake the faith of those faithful and take away the little hope of those hopeless. It's an affliction that doesn't categorize and can care less for the person's status in life. It's a disease that the world is trying to contain. It's cancer. To put it in simple words, cancer is an disease that starts from a tumor. anyone can be diagnosed with cancer.

Even the famous and prominent stars go through the trials of cancer. Here are some of courageous and popular celebrities that found out they had the Big C. every one of these personalities came forward in the open and gave it their all while fighting the monstrous disease. Christina Applegate is a very talented American actress that played the part of Kelly Bundy on the old TV series: Married With Children and currently as Samantha Newly on the show, Samantha Who. Last August 2008, reports that Applegate have breast cancer are released all over TV and the Internet. Christina's agent confirmed the news that Christina is diagnosed with breast cancer. The lucky thing about the diagnosis is that it was caught in its early stage. The cancer cells were found on just one of her breasts but Christina went along with a double mastectomy operation within the same month. The star's mom is a cancer survivor and since her cancer is greatly on the hereditary side, she decided to take action upon the dangerous threat as soon as she could. Applegate is now doing fine and will have reconstructive surgery in the coming months.

Acclaimed as one of the best female pop singers, Sheryl Crow is also a songwriter, political activist and has nine Grammy Awards to her name. Crow was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. As with Christina Applegate, the discovery was caught early. Crow underwent a lumpectomy, which is a procedure to remove the tumor in the breast. The singer also went through radiation treatment for nearly two months after the surgery. The performer has been free of cancer since the operation and is now on her second year as a cancer survivor.

Named Francine Joy Drescher, Fran is greatly recognized all over as Fran Fine from her TV series, The Nanny. In 2000, Fran was hurried to the hospital because of uterine cancer, a kind of cancer where the tumor affects the uterus of a person. Her cancer, thankfully, was still in its first stage when the procedure to take out the tumor was made thus she didn't go along with chemotherapy or radiation treatment. After several years of being a cancer survivor, the talented actress began an organization to assist others who are diagnosed with cancer. The name of the organization is Cancer Schmancer Movement.

The charming and sexy Patrick Swayze... Dudes envied his scene with Demi Moore in the movie, Ghost, and ladies went limp with his dancing moves in Dirty Dancing. No one can say that they don't know Patrick Swayze. He is now fighting pancreatic cancer. He has been undergoing chemotherapy and a operation to get rid of soiled areas of his stomach. His battle is far from being over but he's still out there winning the fight. He recently gave a moving speech at the Stand Up To Cancer 2008 event.

Jon Klemin is an amazing author who tries to encourage others to be charitable. Celebrity David Osmond is very charitable. David Osmond supports many good causes and is a great example of a charitable individual.

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