Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cancer’s Comfort Zone VS. The Human Healing Zone

Dr. Otto Walburg, a Nobel-prize winner, stated that “the primary cause of cancer is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration with anaerobic respiration.”

Normal respiration in a cell is determined by the normal flow of oxygen-rich compounds, and glucose, and mineral salts into and out-of the cell. For the cells of the human body to remain healthy they must be in a slightly alkaline, oxygen-rich condition. Alkaline compounds, solutions and tissues absorb needed oxygen. In this “slightly alkaline, oxygen-rich” condition normal cells can “burn” glucose as a cellular fuel.

Cancer cells cannot allow the free-flow of oxygen, like normal cells do. Cancer cells can only obtain energy through fermentation of glucose, a conversion process that does not require oxygen. Consequently, cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygen-rich, slightly alkaline environment, because glucose “burns” in the presence of oxygen!

Acidic fluids expel cellular oxygen, cancer cells flourish in an acidic environment, because they’re content to feed on the few available nutrients they make by fermenting glucose inside the oxygen-poor, acid-rich environment of cancer cells. Normal cells must divide/replicate in order to survive, but when normal cells are in an acidic environment, replication can be very difficult, consequently, cancer thrives in an oxygen-poor, acid-rich environment, and normal cells begin dying-off.

You have an unfair advantage over cancer.

Because you have ultimate control over the foods that you eat! Fruits and vegetables are some of the most alkaline substances available. The FDA already recommends that you should eat 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day! When you alkalize your body you cause two significant changes:

1. Your blood and tissues take in needed oxygen again.

2. Healthy tissues do great, but cancerous tissues cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment, and will begin dying-off in a matter of days.

Two Key Components in the Daily Diet: Acid-Forming Foods and Alkaline-Forming Foods.

Most high protein foods (meat, fish, poultry and eggs), and nearly all processed carbohydrates (grains, breads and pastas) and fats are “acid-forming.”

Fruits, high protein vegetables and Free Form Amino Acids are not acid-forming, and have no acidic residue, while offering buffering capabilities to the body to help offset acidic wastes.

When working toward re-balancing your body pH, you should strive to get a 70:30 ratio of alkaline food to acidic food.

Are you eating anti-cancer foods

It’s no secret that consuming a diet high in phytonutrients, antioxidants, Omega oils, dark fruits and vegetables and other good things are a big step in the right direction.

With tens of thousands of anti-cancer products, foods and methods to choose from, trying to find a reliable combination of substances that will work to defeat your cancer, can be a serious challenge for the time-strained consumer.

If you’re like most people you just want to find a simple list of healthy anti-cancer foods and supplements that you can acquire cheaply and use at your own convenience. And a plan that helps you destroy cancer the fast efficient way. This is your lucky day!

Green Powders

Wheatgrass and Barleygrass powders are high in protein, and each supplies most of the crucial supplements for preventing and reversing cancer. It takes more than a pound of vegetables to equal the incredible concentration of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, plant enzymes, protein and fiber found in five teaspoons of most green powders. If you’re eating right, just one teaspoonful of green powder in one liter of water daily, will provide all you need to balance your body, and begin to put cancer behind you.

Alkalizing pH Drops

Add alkalizing pH drops (from health food store) to your green powder drinks. The drops will increase the benefits of both the water and the green powders, making them still more alkalizing, oxygenating, and pH balancing. The pH drops act as oxygen and electron catalysts, bringing more of both into your blood and thus to all the cells of your body, which need it for optimum performance. Add 16 drops to each liter of water or green drink.

Balanced pH

The acid-alkaline balance of the fluids in the body determines which kinds of organisms will thrive in it. Cancer has been shown to flourish in a 7.0 and lower pH. While a pH range of 7.1 to 7.3 (fasting saliva test) allows the body to heal. An estimated 95% of the U.S. population is too acidic (less than pH 7.0) in their body’s tissues and fluids.

By now, you realize why it’s so important to create at least a normal pH.

Go to a health food store and get a pH test kit (litmus paper or strips), and follow the instructions. If you are too acidic (normal body pH is between 7.1 to 7.3), you should eat 7-10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day to get out of the acid range and into the alkaline range. Balancing the pH in itself is a HUGE step toward reducing your risk of cellular damage and terminating the cancer cells, all in one easy step.

Cancer doesn’t have to be a death sentence!

If you’re like most people who have been diagnosed with this mysterious disease, you probably believe you have no control over such a complicated situation. Most people’s natural reaction to a cancer diagnosis is to just let the pros handle it. After all this is what they do?

Well, let’s take a minute to think about that, the medical community has had millions of encounters with this disease. But the statistics prove that what they’ve chosen to do about cancer is a BIG statistical loser in their so called “war on cancer”!

Cancer rates in 1900 were just 3% of the population and now it is 25% of the population. The World Health Organization released a report entitled; “Global cancer rates could increase by 50% to 15 million by 2020.

The overall increase of all cancers from 1950 to 1995 was 55 percent. Overall five year survival rates for all cancers have remained virtually static since 1970, from 49 to 54 percent.

In 2000, more than 1.2 million new cancer diagnoses are expected, and some 550,000 (1,506 a day) Americans will die from the disease.

In 2008, a total of 1.4 million new cancer cases and 565,650 deaths (1,549 a day) from cancer are projected to occur in the United States.

We all know that no one wants to be exposed to the horrors of unnecessary surgeries, radiation and having toxic chemotherapy substances injected in them. But, did you know that doctors who were interviewed at a recent convention, stated that if they were diagnosed with cancer, 90 percent of them said that they “would NEVER undergo chemotherapy themselves, and would not recommend it to any of their family members either!” Not very reassuring is it? Would you submit to procedures that most doctors wouldn’t want to have done to them? I wouldn’t either!

Real people beating real cancer, it happens all the time!

I’m here to tell you, YES, you can beat cancer, and the best way to get started is by working diligently to oxygenate your cells and blood by restoring them to a normal, slightly alkaline pH!

Oxygen deprivation is only part of the overall picture! Yet, ALL of the other procedures that must follow are useless if you do not alkalize and oxygenate your cells and blood.

The conventional cancer treatment community could have and should be focused on oxygenating your cells and blood in their practice’s, but they don’t do that! Not because it doesn’t work. On the contrary, it works and they know it! And now you know it! And now they can’t make a dime off of you!

You see, they know that if you get well, you go away, they never see you again, and they’ve lost another source of income, to wellness! You’re life is worth more to you and the people you love than all that! Wellness must be YOUR goal!

I could write an article about that subject only, but the fact remains, you are not just somebody’s gravy train. You don’t have to settle for barely alive and feeling miserable, when you can have complete and total wellness again!

You can choose wellness as YOUR goal, but it becomes YOUR responsibility to make it happen in YOUR life! Don’t miss out! YOU can do it! But do it NOW! There’s no time like the present, my friend!

Taking Action Steps.

Now that you’ve discovered one of the best secrets of how you can proceed to reverse the oxygen deprivation that is making you sick, you need a plan of action!

What will you do now? When will you do it? And for how long?
How will you know when you’ve succeeded?
Define what success in this situation means to you.
How much of your life will you win back?
Why you want to do something is often more important than the goal itself.
Keep your examples in mind as you forge ahead in your quest for wellness.

You must make a choice about your beliefs, deciding that if you follow this process, you’ll do just fine!

People who have defeated cancer on their own have a commonality of certain aspects:

1. They all have a tenacious desire to live, and
2. an intense desire to be well again, and
3. they hold themselves accountable for what they believe in, and
4. what they know must be done, and they
5. push themselves through the tough times, the
6. dietary changes, and they
7. take control of the wellness process.
8. They keep a positive mental attitude.
9. Fear has no place in their plan. Fear only drains energy.
10. Confidence allows them to stick to the process and do the right thing.

Dietary Changes

I know its not easy to change your diet. I suggest you start by avoiding fast food restaurants. Keep fresh vegetables in the refrigerator and snack on those. Keep fresh fruit on the table, you’ll be better off nutritionally. Juicing them is good too!

Some Words of Caution:

Whether you’re using the conventional or alternative methods, you will find that as cancer tumors break-up they can dump a load of acidic residue into the bloodstream, the liver must clean this residue out of the blood. The liver then discharges it through the bile ducts to the intestines for disposal. The liver needs to be cleansed with five liters of water a day during this phase, or it could get clogged with all of the debris. A completely clogged liver could kill you! So see a doctor and get your liver tested. Get check-ups weekly and ask your doctor about milk thistle for liver detox.

Also, as more cells begin normal respiration, you will need to supplement potassium into your daily diet. So get your blood potassium levels checked by your doctor weekly also.

Yours in cancer free living!

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Benefits of Alternative Cancer Treatments For Stomach Cancer

tomach cancer, also called gastric cancer, occurs in the wall and lining of the stomach. According to the American Cancer Society, about 21,500 new cases of stomach cancer were reported in 2008. Stomach cancer was once a leading cause of cancer deaths, but has recently become less common.

There is no specific reason for the decline in the number of new cases; however, doctors believe it may be linked to refrigeration use for storage of food. Before refrigeration, people preserved food by smoking, salting, or pickling. Large amounts of nitrates and nitrites are found in these types of preserved foods, and these nitrates and nitrites can be converted into cancer-causing compounds in the stomach. Humans infected with the bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are at higher risk for developing stomach cancer as well. H. pylori lives in the stomach’s mucous layer and has only recently been linked to stomach cancer. Because of this, doctors are still studying the ways the bacteria are transmitted to humans as well as the reasons for its association with stomach cancer.

The development of stomach cancer tends to be slow, occurring over many years. Many early-stage symptoms go unnoticed and undetected. However, when the cancer is advanced, there are several signs and symptoms including:

- weakness and fatigue
- unintended weight loss
- lack of appetite
- general discomfort in the abdomen
- abdominal discomfort, especially after eating
- feeling full after meals, even when eating is normal
- nausea
- vomiting, with or without blood

There are different types of stomach cancer.

Adenocarcinomas account for 95 percent of all stomach cancers. It is found in the stomach’s innermost lining. Lymphoma is an aggressive stomach cancer found on the immune system tissues in the stomach wall. Carcinoid tumors account for a small percentage of stomach cancer and originate in the hormone-producing cells of the stomach. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors, also called GISTs, are rare tumors that can develop in other places besides the stomach; however, the most common location for GISTs is indeed the stomach.

The doctors at New Hope Medical Center will work to create an alternative cancer treatment for patients with stomach cancer. More than 50 years of experience has helped the team at New Hope develop the New Hope Treatment Method, an alternative cancer treatment focused on individualized care. A specialized regimen allows for optimum patient care. The staff at the New Hope alternative cancer treatment center carefully evaluates a patient before an alternative cancer treatment is suggested. Several alternative cancer treatment options are included in the overall plan, including but not limited to changes in diet and nutrition, immune system enhancement, physical therapy, homeopathic medicines, acupuncture, ozone therapy, and stress management.

The entire staff at the New Hope Medical Center works hard to help cancer patients who are looking for alternative cancer treatments that are effective and non-invasive. The knowledgeable and friendly staff provide a warm environment for cancer patients. The New Hope Medical Center doctors, nurses, oncologists, and nutritionists strive to meet individual alternative cancer treatment needs.

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Jade Goody, Cancer and Diet

It is painful to acknowledge the fact that even in this modern era of 21st century “Cancer accounts for nearly one-quarter of deaths in the United States, exceeded only by heart diseases”. In 2004, there were 553,888 cancer deaths in the US (23.1% of all death).

Heart disease accounts for 653,486 deaths which is about 27.2% of all death in USA. That means heart and cancer related death accounted more than 50 % of all death in USA in 2004.

Similarly let’s have a look at some of the statistics in UK.
In the UK according to Cancer research UK, “One in four (26%) of all deaths in the UK are caused by cancer. There were 153,491 cancer deaths in the UK in 2005”.

You might be wondering why I am quoting so many statistics about cancer and heart diseases.

The point is even when our knowledge about our diet has increased tremendously and medical science is in advanced stages, still majority of death even in the developed nations on this planet are happening with the decease which are linked with our diet.

Most of human body diseases like cancer and heart disease are linked with our food which we eat. If people are eating healthy food then how can there be more than 50 % death from heart and cancer diseases?

If we know what is healthy and if we eat healthy then our body should be healthy. It is that simple.

After looking at above statistics one can easily deduct the analysis the despite the big advancement in our knowledge about our diet still somehow somewhere we do not understand our diet or our food properly.

I like the following quotation from Hippocrates, the father of medicine (460-357 B.C.)“He who does not know food, how can he understand the diseases of man?” which is quite true even in this present time after more than 2350 years when he said.

It is a reality that we are still eating unhealthy food like fast food and meat which leads towards obesity, which is linked as one of the main cause of cancer and heart diseases, kind of diseases which should have been eliminated long time ago.

Recently I was reading the news headline that Britain is fast becoming the fast food nation. As per news published on US department of health and human service, NIH news website ” Eating at Fast-food Restaurants More than Twice Per Week is Associated with more Weight Gain and Insulin Resistance in Otherwise Healthy Young Adults”.

Another habit which is destroying people health in the western nations is of eating meat.

The main reason is first the meat itself is not healthy for the human being and second that it is contaminated. I would like to mention one statement here from-- Delmer Jones, President of the US Meat Inspector Union regarding contaminated meat, he said

” The labels are misleading the public. The labels should declare that the product has been contaminated with fecal material…Today, nationwide; line speeds are up to 140 to 160 carcasses per minute. It’s not humanly possible for meat inspectors to do what they are required to do, which is to protect the consumer.”

The extra weight we gain because of the fast food and contaminated meat puts you at risk for developing many diseases, especially heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer, etc. So in a way the habit of eating fast food and meat is destroying your health and putting you in the great danger of losing health.

Sadly, recently in the UK ex celebrity Big brother star Jade Goody was diagnosed with the advanced stage of cervical cancer. Treatments for cancer include chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy, surgery and drug treatments, or these in combination.

Jade Goody has stage 4 cervical cancer, which is when the disease is at its most advanced stage and has spread. Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women under 35 after breast cancer.

Though Jade Goody is suffering with cancer but with the help of media her issue of cervical cancer has certainly created awareness among the citizens in the UK.

In the end I would like to say that if we correct our eating habits then not only we would have healthy body but we would certainly get rid of most of diseases like cancer and heart diseases which are killing most of the western nations.

Living with a healthy body is not a complicated rocket science. Our body is made up of food which we eat during our day to day life. If we are unhealthy at the moment then one thing is certain that the food which we eat is not good enough.

Healthy food habits will certainly lead you to good health forever.It is high time now that we should take action towards improving our diet before it is too late.

May all being be healthy.

Issued in public interest by Subodh Gupta, Holistic health consultant and author of the book “7 food habits for weight loss forever”.

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Resveratrol Recommended Dosage, Resveratrol Pills & Resveratrol Extract For Cancer Prevention

If you are looking for a resveratrol recommended dosage for a specific health problem, you might ask a practitioner of traditional Japanese or Chinese herbal medicine about the appropriate dose of Japanese knotweed. Of course, they would only recommend the plant for use as a laxative, to relieve constipation or promote regularity.

Japanese knotweed is the most concentrated source of resveratrol and is the source for most dietary supplements. It is found in grape skins and peanuts, too. But, the supplement only appeared on shelves after news reports proclaimed that it was “the” compound in red wine that accounted for the health benefits of the beverage.

Later, conflicting research concluded that it could not account for the benefits, because the concentration was too low. That result never made it to the mass media. When the studies about red wine were released, vineyards wanted to have it classified as a “health food”. People, wanting to do everything that they can for their health, are prone to jump on the bandwagon and drive up demand for foods, beverages and supplements. That’s what happened with resveratrol supplements in 2006.

There are dozens of different manufacturers and none of them seem to agree on a daily resveratrol recommended dosage. Generally, if you wanted this kind of dietary supplement, you would be interested in the protective or preventative benefits, such as those that pertain to the heart and to preventing cancer. But, if you greatly exceed the amount that is present in nature, there could be a problem.

A liter of red wine with the highest concentration would only contain 12.59mg of the compound. The dried knotweed root contains as much as 187mg/kg or .187mg/gram. So, if a practitioner suggested 24 grams to relieve severe constipation, the patient would only receive about 4.48mg of resveratrol.

If a supplement company lists a resveratrol recommended dosage at 200mg or higher, you will almost surely experience diarrhea, which could lead to dehydration and is not beneficial for your health. At higher dosages, which are found in some of the supplements on the market, all of the known health benefits of this potent antioxidant are negated, because it becomes a pro-oxidant, meaning that it is something like a free radical, which is what antioxidants normally neutralize.

There is a lot of misinformation on the internet. Let me set the record straight. For the long-term health benefits of decreased cancer risk and cardiovascular health, a 20-50mg daily dose is sufficient. That’s according to a well respected chemist, nutritionist and doctor of naturopathic medicine.

He suggests that this resveratrol recommended dosage be combined with other beneficial extracts and essential nutrients that will allow you to feel better and possibly, live longer. What we want to strive for is the “optimal” nutritional intake. All of the basic vitamins, minerals and amino acids contribute to our long-term health and longevity.

There is no single stand-alone nutrient that is more beneficial to your health than any other. Consider this resveratrol recommended dosage a single part of your complete daily nutritional intake.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Choosing a Hospital that Treats Childhood Cancer

Across the nation and around the world you will find hospitals that have oncology or cancer programs geared towards childhood cancer. Through research and trials, it is evident that the diagnosis and treatment of childhood cancer is different than treating the disease in adults. For this reason, it is imperative when seeking cancer care for your child that you do research and make sure that you are going to the hospital that is right for your child.

Some pediatric cancer programs might concentrate on one or two types of cancers and treatments whereas others, such as St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, treat all types of childhood cancers as well as doing research and clinical trials. Before you choose a hospital to treat your child’s disease, you need to make sure that you are going to a hospital that will give your child the best chance in the fight against cancer.

When researching children’s hospitals and oncology programs or cancer care, you should have a list of questions that are relevant to his/her cancer and ask each hospital the same questions for comparisons sake. Questions to include in your research are to ask about research, clinical trials, success rates, number of cancer patients they see each year, whether they have ever treated a child with your child’s type of cancer, which cancers they specialize in, if they offer support groups and do they offer family-centered care which allows families to be a part of the treatment plan.

Since pediatric cancer care is different than cancer treatments for adults, many families opt to go to a children’s hospital for care. However, this is a very personal choice. Whether you choose cancer care at your hometown hospital or choose to travel and stay at a larger hospital, make sure that you are getting the best possible care for them that you can. Since you are their voice and their advocate, you have to do what you can to make sure that you are giving them the best opportunity to fight and beat childhood cancer.
St Judes Hospital
Information about services and research at St. Judes Hospital

By Kathy Gupton

Diet and Lifestyle Changes you can make to Prevent Cancer

I had uterine cancer last summer. Luckily it was Stage 1A and surgery took care of everything. I didn’t need chemo or radiation. I tell people I had cancer for two weeks, because by the time they found it, I had surgery and waited the 6 days it took for the "all clear" pathology results to come back – only 2 weeks had passed! It was just kind of a blip in my summer. Part of the reason it was only that was I am fit and in excellent health and do a lot of things right. My cancer usually happens to people who are obese (I’m not even close) or diabetic (not that either). The 3rd cause is making too much estrogen. The purpose of this article is to share a few "cancer prevention" tips I’ve learned, because as easy as I had it, I’m not planning on getting it again!

I’ve always taken a ton of vitamins. A lot, I’ve recently discovered, are recommended by cancer researchers to prevent cancer or help fight it if you have cancer. Take this combination daily:

Beta-Carotene – 25,000 iu
Folic Acid – 400 mcg
Selenium – 200 mcg
Vitamin C – 3000 mg (divided)
Vitamin E – 400 iu (slows tumor growth and the spread of malignancies)
Multi Vitamin
1 B Complex
Calcium – 1500 (divided)
NAC – 600 mg

You should also cut out red meat and trans fats and way back on sugar, salt, soda, alcohol, fat and artificial sweeteners. Fill up on fruits, vegetables, beans and especially:
tomatoes, grapes, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, cauliflower, kale, Chinese mushrooms, onion (best raw), citrus fruits, carrots, cabbage and green beans. Drink lots of green tea, carrot juice (it has anti cancer carotenes) and green juice. Eat 100% whole-wheat pasta, whole grain breads and brown rice. Have a half teaspoon of rosemary per day and use olive oil.

Do something every day to de-stress and think happy, thankful and positive thoughts. Meditate or use guided imagery to picture a healthy body. Cooking healthy meals at home and sharing them with family while unwinding at the end of each day will also add much to a healthy lifestyle.

Nancy Geiger is a freelance writer who also owns an online store called givitup:
She has also recently published a cookbook called ‘A Bride’s Cookbook or Surviving the First Year’
By Nancy Geiger

Actor Ron Silver Dies of Cancer at the Age of 62

Actor Ron Silver died on Sunday at the age of 62 of cancer. According to Robin Bronk, the executive director of Creative Coalition, "Ron Silver died peacefully in his sleep with his family around him early Sunday morning. He had been fighting esophageal cancer for two years. He was a talented actor, a scholar and a great believer in participatory democracy. He was an activist who became a great artist and his contributions will never be forgotten."

For those who religiously watched "The West Wing," actor Ron Silver is probably best known for portraying Bruno Gianelli, a slick, fast-talking political strategist to President Jed Bartlet (played by Martin Sheen). Silver also won a Tony award for his role as a Hollywood producers in David Mamet’s "Speed-the-Plow." For those unfamiliar with those works, Silver’s claim to fame may have been an abrupt, political "about face" from liberal democrat to self-style "9/11 Republican" who moved in lockstep with President Bush’s anti-terrorism approach.

Silver’s political change of heart probably served as a bane in liberal-minded Hollywood, and he spoke on several occasions about how his career was likely suffering as a result of his politics. Shortly after his turn to "9/11 Republicanism," Silver noted, "It’s affected me very badly. I can’t point to a person or a job I’ve lost, but this community (Hollywood) is not very pluralistic. I haven’t worked in 10 months. Often when I walked onto the set of 'The West Wing' some of my colleagues would greet me with a chanting of 'Ron, Ron, the neo-con.' It was all done in fun but it had an edge." Among Silver’s movie credits are "Ali," "Reversal of Fortune," "Enemies: A Love Story," "Silkwood" and "Semi-Tough."
By Buzzle Staff and Agencies

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Aspirin & Colorectal Cancer Prevention

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, have previously been shown to reduce the incidence of polyps and cancers of the colon and rectum. This class of drugs includes the well-known medications ibuprofen, naproxen, sulindac, indomethacin, Celebrex, Vioxx, and aspirin, among others. However, enthusiasm for using NSAIDs as colorectal polyp and cancer prevention drugs has cooled significantly after several large prospective clinical research studies linked several of these drugs, including Celebrex and the subsequently discontinued Vioxx, to an increased risk of heart disease. Fortunately, aspirin, which is a weak NSAID, is still thought to protect the heart against coronary artery disease. However, previous clinical research studies have suggested that daily aspirin use only provides very modest protection, if any, against polyps and cancers of the colon and rectum. Now, a new study, just published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, comprehensively reviews the results of 4 prospective clinical colorectal cancer prevention research studies, and suggests that the humble aspirin pill may, indeed, offer significant protection against the type of colorectal polyps (adenomas) that are believed to give rise to virtually all colorectal cancers.

This new study performed a complex statistical evaluation, called a meta-analysis, of 4 prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled colorectal cancer prevention trials that, together, included almost 3,000 patient volunteers. The average age of these patient volunteers was 58 years, and average patient follow-up of these nearly 3,000 patients was about 3 years. Colonoscopy was performed on about 2,700 of these patients during the course of these 4 studies. Among the patients who were secretly randomized to receive placebo (sugar) pills, 37 percent were found to develop polyps (adenomas) of the colon or rectum during the course of these clinical studies. Among the patients who were secretly assigned an aspirin pill each day, 33 percent were found to harbor colorectal adenomas while being observed. Advanced precancerous adenomas were also identified in 12 percent of the patients in the placebo group, while 9 percent of the patients in the daily aspirin group were found to have advanced premalignant adenomas.

After analyzing the data, the authors of this study determined that any dose of aspirin between 81 mg and 325 mg per day was associated with a 17 percent reduction in the relative risk of colorectal adenomas, and an absolute reduction in the risk of adenomas of about 7 percent. Moreover, a daily aspirin pill was associated with a 28 percent relative reduction in the risk of developing advanced high-risk adenomas (i.e., the type of colon or rectal polyp that is most likely to subsequently progress to become a cancer).

In summary, based upon data from 4 different prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical colorectal cancer prevention research studies, a daily baby aspirin, or a daily 325 mg "regular" aspirin pill, significantly reduced the incidence of colon and rectal polyps, and especially the high-risk forms of adenomatous polyps that are more likely to progress to colon and rectal cancers.

If you are not already taking aspirin, you should first consult with your physician before beginning aspirin therapy. Aspirin, like all NSAIDs, can cause ulcerations in the GI tract, as well as kidney damage, in susceptible patients. If there are no contraindications to taking aspirin in your case, however, then you may be able to reduce not only your risk of cardiovascular disease, but also your risk of colorectal cancer as well, by taking a daily aspirin tablet.

Robert Wascher - EzineArticles Expert Author

Sarcoma Cancer - Most Common Types & Sarcoma Treatments

What is Sarcoma Cancer?

Sarcoma is not one disease. There are hundreds of diseases that are grouped under the term "sarcomas" or "sarcoma cancer".

Sarcoma refers to a growth of cells whose normal function would be to hold the body together. These are called connective tissue cells and include such things as muscle and bones. If these types of cells turn cancerous - they are called sarcomas.

Let's take a look at some of the types of sarcomas.

Uterine sarcoma cancer

Uterine sarcoma cancer is a rare type of cancer that begins in the muscle or other tissues of the uterus. Most often, uterine sarcoma cancer is found in women who have completed menopause.

Kaposi's sarcoma cancer

Kaposi's cancer is the presence of malignant cells in the tissues under the skin that line the mouth, nose or anus. Most of the Karposi's Sarcoma is just blotchy, but there are some circumstances where patients have horrible looking skin and various milky fluids coming out of it.

Ewing's Sarcoma

Ewing's Sarcoma is a cancer that usually affects the bones of a human person. It is an exceptionally aggressive form of cancer and can cause a person to die within months of diagnosis. It spreads throughout the body quickly and there is no cure.

Treatment of Sarcomas

When a family member or a loved one is diagnosed with Sarcoma cancer, there are decisions you have to make and quickly. You should straight away seen expert opinion at a sarcoma clinic center.

There are 2 main primary treatments for sarcoma cancer. They are surgery and radiation therapy. Also chemotherapy, and hormone therapy are sometimes used.


The most frequently used treatment for uterine sarcoma is surgery, and even if the surgeon removes all visible cancer cells, surgery is most often followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy in an attempt to kill cancer cells that the surgeon couldn't get rid of.


Radiotherapy can be an important part of treatment for Ewing's sarcoma for example. It can shrink a tumour and make it easier to remove. After surgery, you usually have radiotherapy to try to kill off any cancer cells that are left behind. It's a complicated process but it may lowers the risk of the Ewing's sarcoma coming back in the future.

by Giselle Sanchez - Freelance writer. Looking for more info on sarcoma? Check out the Rainbows for Kate Foundation and advance the research into Sarcoma Cancer by becoming a supporter.

Green Tea and Cancer - How Does it Work in Protecting the Body?

Green tea and cancer prevention is something that many of us are aware of. There have been many studies linking the catechins in green tea to many different kinds of cancer prevention but how does it work?

EGCG the amazingly strong antioxidant that seems to be the main compound for this protective role basically attacks the cancer cells in four ways:

1. Blocks off the development of new blood vessels
2. Turns off the growth genes in the cells
3. Turns on the suicide genes
4. Inhibits the overproduction of COX-2, an enzyme that is responsible for many diseases including oncology diseases.

Green Tea and Cancer Protection

The types of tumors that green tea has been associated in helping to prevent include, prostate, colon, oesophageal, stomach and other forms of gastric tumors.

Italian scientists firmly believe that men who are prone to getting prostate cancer should include green tea as part of their daily intake of food.

Decaffeinated Option

A friend of mine introduced me to the decaffeinated form of green tea that she takes daily. It is part of a multi-nutritional supplement that has the most amazing plant based chemoprotective nutrients including resveratrol, ginko biloba, milk thistle and many more in fact they contain over 70 such ingredients to give your body optimal health.

I love taking mine now and I must say that since I started taking them I have noticed that my energy levels have improved and so has my skin.

For more information about green tea and cancer prevention visit my website today.

Karen is an holistic therapist, health and nutrition researcher. Visit her site to find out what ingredients work best to battle the causes of aging and promote optimal health, one is green tea extract and discover her recommendations to her clients.

You may use this article or any parts of it as long as you include my name and website address.

Cancer Fighting Foods That Don't Cost a Fortune

I literally gasped in horror when I saw the small recipe booklet called "healthy meals for under $10" sent to me by my local grocery store. Their suggestions for serving my family macaroni and cheese with refined white bread sticks or beef stew and biscuits from a can for supper did not escape my nutritional scrutiny. But what about my neighbors-would they believe that these low-cost meal recommendations were actually healthy?

In today's tough economy, it takes a pretty nutrition-savvy cancer survivor to serve up healthy, cancer-fighting foods that don't break the bank. Here are some suggestions for low-cost super foods that can help you get started:


Whether you have a can of pinto, black or navy beans in your cupboard, you have an almost instant meal that is good for your health. Adding fiber-rich beans to a daily diet has been shown to lower cholesterol, reduce cancer risk, stabilize blood sugar and aid in weight loss. Beans contains phytonutrients such as anthocyanins, phytic acid and saponins. A recent study found that dark-colored beans contain the most of these cell protecting antioxidants-so load up on navy and kidney beans! Add a heap of beans to your plate as a side dish, sprinkle a generous scoop on your salads or concoct a multi-bean soup or casserole. If you're concerned about your sodium intake, look for low sodium or no-salt-added canned beans. To save even more money, buy beans in bulk and soak overnight before cooking.


Consuming oats and other whole grains can play a significant role in reducing the risk for a variety of cancers. The power of whole grains was evident when a study conducted at the University of Utah found that high intakes of fruits, vegetables and whole grains reduced the risk of cancer by 28%, 27% and 31%, respectively. Make sure to bypass the instant and 1-minute oatmeal for the longer cooking oats so you get the all-important components of fiber and B vitamins. Try sprinkling ground flaxseed on your oats in the morning too. Just two tablespoons daily provides alpha-linolenic acid, or plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids, which offers anti-inflammatory and immune supporting benefits. Flax has also slowed the growth and reduced the size of breast cancer tumors in humans. If you purchase pre-ground flax, be sure to store it in the refrigerator or freezer for maximum shelf life.


No calories, low cost and provides a heap of cancer-fighting chemicals called catechins-iced or hot, tea plays an impressive role in fighting cancer, has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce hypertension. A year-long study of regular tea drinkers found that individuals who drank more than 2 ½ cups per day saw a 65% reduction in high blood pressure. If you don't like the caffeine buzz, decaf tea still offers about 85% of the plant chemicals found in regular tea. For maximum cancer-fighting benefits, work your way up to 3-4 cups of tea per day. Canned, iced and powdered teas all have benefits, but freshly brewed offers the most nutrition bang for your buck. Avoid the sweetened teas, which not only cost more but give you unnecessary sugar-highs.


While you can't make a meal out of a garlic bulb, you can power-up just about any meal with a touch of garlic. Several population studies have shown a link between garlic in the diet and decreased risk for cancer. In fact, in a review of more than thirty-five research articles, garlic was found to offer some protective effect against cancer in about 75% of the studies. I know that supplements are available, but I believe fresh garlic is your best choice. According to research published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, freshly chopped garlic contains more allicin-the bulb's key active ingredient-than garlic powders and pills. And garlic stored in vegetable oil loses up to 50% of its cancer-fighting capabilities. At just cents per clove, it makes sense to add chopped garlic to almost every meal-from casseroles, soups and pasta sauces to sautéed greens or baked potatoes. Don't forget to add a bit of garlic to salad dressings for extra zest.

Wild salmon.

Yes, you read right. While prices for fresh Pacific salmon are steep, you can still get a healthy dose of omega-3s by choosing sock-eye salmon in a can-and keep a lid on cost. Salmon contains a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids which can support the immune system and current evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids can stimulate cellular death of cancer cells , one of the proposed mechanisms for the inhibition of tumor development and proliferation. Don't be misled by rock-bottom prices for farm raised salmon-not only will you be robbed of omega-3 fatty acids (most farm-raised fish are fed corn-which changes the fatty acid profile of the fish to a higher ratio of omega-6 fatty acids), but chances are the fish may be full of antibiotics. Consume Pacific salmon at least once a week by chunking and adding to salads, mixing with celery and onions and low-fat yogurt to make a sandwich spread, or consume straight out of the can for a high protein boost during the day.

If you want to invest in your health when it comes to nutrition, you will be required to put in time, energy and money. Don't let the economy determine your healing potential. Make your healthy efforts count without breaking the bank!

Dr. Kim Dalzell is a doctor of holistic nutrition and registered dietitian who has helped thousands of cancer patients with her nature-based healing approach to cancer control. She is a sought after speaker, author of Challenge Cancer and Win!, and industry spokesperson. To learn more about how you can control cancer with nutrition, please visit:

What is Angiosarcoma?

A cancer that grows very quickly is called angiosarcoma. Angiosarcoma is a malignant, extremely intrusive cancer. The thin layer of lining called endothelium, is where there are endothelial cells that line the wall of the blood vessels, and tumors start to form here. The cells quickly reproduce into more cells and these cells can turn cancerous. They could also spread through the body. Similar to other cancers, cell replication is uncontrollable. The connection to the circulatory system poses threat to a person's health.

Hemangiosarcoma is an aggressive sarcoma. It affects the blood vessels and is very dangerous. The blood vessels grow into the tumor and the rupturing of this will cause a victim to bleed to death. Conditions that have an affect on the blood are very harmful. As cancerous cells spread, it is very likely other healthy organs will be affected. Angiosarcoma is difficult to treat because it is destructive and it often returns.

Lymphangiosarcoma is an angiosarcoma. The tumor cells come from the endothelial cells of the lymphatic vessels. The lymph system is accountable for distributing antibodies throughout the body. A devastating truth is that when a cancer affects this part of the body like the blood or lymph, it will spread the deadly cancer throughout the body.

Angiosarcoma is commonly found in the skin or soft tissue however, it can take place in any organ of the body. They can start in the liver, breast, spleen, bone and heart. Located in the neck and head of the elderly, cutaneous angiosarcoma is more common of angiosarcoma.

What causes angiosarcomas is not known and is a factor in understanding what is angiosarcoma. Hemangiosarcomas such as Stewart - Treves syndrome are linked with exposure to toxins of thorium dioxide, vinyl chloride, or arsenic. Stewart -Treves syndrome is caused from lymphedema. This comes after breast care treatments such as mastectomy and radiotherapy. If a person was exposed to vinyl chloride during plastic industries during the manufacturing of polyvinyl chloride, they are at higher risk of that leading to angiosarcoma. The exposures that occurred 30 years ago the affects are stilling arising from it.

Every type of angiosarcoma is likely to be destructive and multicentric. The recurrence rate is extremely high and the tumors are more than likely to spread to another part of the body. It is unfortunate that many cases are misdiagnosed making the mortality rate is higher. The common therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation do not work well with these aggressive tumors making this condition difficult to treat.

Evidence is being explored by researchers of the transformations happening on p53, the tumor suppressor gene in the cells of the angiosarcoma of the liver. The p53 tumor suppressor and the molecules around it is the focus today for researchers. Thousand of studies are taking place all over the world. New treatments may be revealed to help this deadly cancer.

David Austin is an Attorney focused on complex injury cases. You can learn more about Angiosarcoma and how it can be caused by Vinyl Chloride Exposure at his website.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pancreatic Cancer Life Expectancy - Treatment Review

Can pancreatic cancer life expectancy be improved? The American Cancer Society gives low survival rates for pancreatic cancer, but survivor, Karon Beattie, has compiled a treatment reference book with more than 350 alternative treatments that have been used by thousands of cancer patients to overcome their prognosis, including pancreatic cancer.

Although it is often not diagnosed until it has spread, Beattie gives numerous accounts of people surviving pancreatic cancer by natural treatments. She states that these treatments are not covered by the FDA and usually not patentable by drug companies, resulting in low knowledge among doctors.

Beattie reports that some physicians have used a nutritional supplement to achieve complete remission of aggressive, stage IV cancers that had metastasized.

Specifically in relation to pancreatic cancer, Beattie's book, "Natural Cancer Treatments That Work", describes how an English doctor used a herbal mixture to treat a pancreatic cancer patient, alive four years later, long after oncologists had forecast.

Beattie outlines how a London biochemist developed a treatment 20 years ago that knocks out the mitochondria or 'energy centers' in cancer cells, leaving normal cells unharmed. The low-cost treatment is supported by over 50 research papers and has succeeded in treating numerous cancers, including pancreatic, yet the biochemist has been unable to get authorities to trial his method further. This seems an astonishing outcome for a cancer given a poor prognosis by oncologists.

In addition, the author provides 45 first-hand accounts of people who beat pancreatic cancer using natural and alternative treatments. If stories like this are true, why are they not used as a mainstream treatment for pancreatic and other cancers?

According to Beattie, despite the fact that the creators of the treatments listed in her book are respected health scientists, few of the treatments have been formally evaluated in human clinical trials. There is little financial incentive for drug companies in natural treatments that cannot be patented, yet thousands of cancer survivors have successfully used the treatments. Beattie also suggests that many doctors may not be aware of these treatments because they know how to prescribe treatments regulated by the FDA. Many of the alternative treatments she lists involve herbs and vitamins that are beyond the FDA's jurisdiction.

Cancer sufferers and their loved ones will find these compelling accounts hard to ignore in their quest to survive and reclaim their lives.

Natural Cancer Treatments That Work is available from Pancreatic Cancer Life Expectancy Also available is a free guide on where to get treatment and support as well as free articles on cancer treatment options.

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Celebrity Cancer Survivors - Celebrities Winning the Battle Against Cancer

No matter what channel you watch or ratio station you listen to, cancer and cancer survivors are always news.

Part of the reason the topic cancer is in the news so often is because there are many famous actors and actresses that now have cancer or is finally opening in up about cancer they had in the past.

As celebrities share their stories, we realize they are human too and the battles they fight are especially heart wrenching.

There also seems to be many types of cancer that celebrities have, that the speculation of certain strains of cancer being prevalent to certain areas does not ring true.

In any case, it is wonderful to know that our favorite actors and actresses have beaten this deadly disease.

Cancer does not discriminate nor does it care how famous you are. Celebrities are winning the battle against cancer every day. Great strides have been made in the cure for cancer enabling people all over the world to beat cancer that would have been unheard of 20 years ago.

Survivors are very special. They have faced the hardest thing you can face and won. Hats off to you.

Celebrity survivors are taking special interests in helping in the fight with cancer.

A look at celebrities with cancer would include Patrick Swayze, who has Pancreatic cancer; Rod Stewart has throat cancer; Cybill Shepherd and Elizabeth Taylor have battled skin cancer; Fran Drescher has uterine cancer; Colon cancer didn't beat Sharon Osborne; Gene Wilder survived Lymphoma; Testicular cancer was fought by Lance Armstrong and Richard Belzer; Robert De Niro and Nelson Mandela have survived prostate cancer.

And of course breast cancer has hit Christina Applegate, Sheryl Crow, Lynn Redgrave, Kate Jackson, Olivia Newton-John, Kylie Minogue, Anastacia, Marianne Faithfull, Hoda Kopke, Carly Simon, Edie Falco and many others.

It must be noted that some celebrities such as Christina Applegate have chosen the most radical surgery of all by having both breasts removed, although not diseased, in order to make sure cancer will not strike her.

Many other cancer survivors choose different methods of treatments. Suzanne Somers for example, chose to fight her breast cancer with natural and holistic treatments instead of chemotherapy. She has been free of cancer for several years and is sure it's because of her choice of a less invasive therapy.

Sadly, we have lost many wonderful celebrities as well. High-profile television and newspaper gossip columnist Claudia Cohen, passed away of ovarian cancer at 56 years old. Lung cancer took the lives of Nat King Cole, Bette Grable, Gary Cooper, Duke Ellington, John Wayne, Walt Disney, Yul Brenner, Desi Arnaz, Carl Wilson, Jimmy Dorsey, and Peter Jennings.

Michael Landon, Luciano Pavarotti, Julius Carry, Rudy Fernandez and Brock Peters lost their battle to Pancreatic cancer.

Eartha Kitt passed away with colon cancer as well as Tony Snow.

Take a moment and say a special prayer for all the cancer survivors today and count your blessings.

Learn About the One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually ALL Diseases And Find Why This One-Minute Therapy Is Being Suppressed In The U.S. While More Than 15,000 European Doctors Have Been Using It To Heal Millions Of Patients. CLICK HERE

The Best Holistic Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatments can be very invasive. They can wear the patient down and make life seem almost unbearable and this can go on for years without any respite. Some people who are suffering from cancer feel as though they would do anything to get relief from this and enjoy a happy, healthy life once again. It can seem all too easy to give up when you have cancer but there are other options that you can choose to aid you in your fight against cancer.

Holistic treatment is growing in popularity as more and more people are recognising that holistic treatments can and do work for thousands of illnesses and diseases and cancer is one of them. By treating a disease holistically you are doing all that you can to destroy it and get life back to normal.

Perhaps you are looking for a holistic cancer treatment that will help to ease your pain and deal with your cancer at the same time. Or maybe you are in remission and you want to find out ways that you can use to prevent it from returning. Maybe you have a friend or relative who you feel would benefit from a more holistic approach to their treatment. Regardless of the reason, one thing is for sure, when you have cancer you want to find a safe and effective cancer treatment and if it is holistic - even better!

"Natural Cancer Treatments" has 350 different natural cancer treatments that can be used in different ways, some of the advice centres on your diet, whilst other parts look at supplements that can aid treatment. By adopting a natural, holistic approach to battling your cancer you are taking back control and doing something positive to stop cancer in its tracks and fight back.

Earl Mitchell is a natural cancer treatment expert and the director of popular blog NaturalCancerTreatmentInfo.Com. He provides honest information and advice on things like natural cancer treatments and much more. Get free tips when you visit his site today.

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Natural Cures For Cancer That You Can Use

What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you think about cancer? Is it being in a hospital bed, being in pain, losing your hair, having to go through tiring and painful treatments, the loss of your independence or the fear of dying? Maybe it is all of these, or none of them, or something totally different. One thing is certain, when you or someone close to you is told that they have cancer it is not pleasant.

Some people don't like to take medication when they are ill, instead opting for a natural treatment to aid with their recovery, and cancer is no different. Over the years doctors and holistic therapists as well as oncologists and biologists have worked hard to find natural cures for cancer that work to fight the disease and get sufferers back on their feet again. As with any type of treatment there is no cure all that works for every single person with cancer, but there are a large number of options that can be used.

By reading "Natural Cancer Treatments" you will be able to find out some of the natural cures for cancer that have worked and worked very well for people just like you. I had a relative that had a type of lung cancer that doctors had found not to respond to any type of treatment. She felt as though she was losing the battle, until she read "Natural Cancer Treatments", in there she found out about a specific vitamin that after repeated use had slowed down the progression of her cancer, making it easier to treat. Now I'm not saying that you will find the answer to your cancer treatment but what I am saying is you could find out treatments that can work for you from reading this ebook.

Earl Mitchell is a natural cancer treatment expert and the director of popular blog NaturalCancerTreatmentInfo.Com. He provides honest information and advice on things like natural cancer cures and much more. Get free tips when you visit his site today.

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Friday, March 6, 2009

The Top 8 Causes of Cancer

Cancer has multiple causes.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Environmental factors are generally thought to be responsible for 80% to 90% of all human cancers. The major environmental factors identified so far include:

TOBACCO: Tobacco in various forms of its usage (e.g., smoking, chewing) is the major environmental cause of cancers of the lung, larynx, mouth, pharynx, esophagus, bladder, pancreas and probably kidney. It has been estimated that, cigarette smoking is responsible for more than one million premature deaths each year.

ALCOHOL: Excessive intake of alcoholic beverage leads to esophageal and liver cancer. Beer consumption may be associated with rectal cancer.

DIETARY FACTORS: Smoked fish is related to stomach cancer, dietary fiber to intestinal cancer, beef consumption to bowel cancer, and a high fat diet to breast cancer. Food additives are also some causative agents.

OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURES: These include exposure to benzene, arsenic, vinyl chloride, asbestos, polycyclic hydrocarbons etc. (e)

VIRUSES: Hepatitis B and C virus is reported to be related to hepatocellular carcinoma. Human papilloma virus (HPV) is associated with cancer cervix.

HABITS AND LIFE STYLE: Habits and lifestyle of people may be associated with an increased risk of certain cancers. Some examples are the established association between smoking and lung cancer, betel chewing and oral cancer, etc. There are several other environmental factors such as sun light, radiation, air and water pollution, pesticides which can cause cancer.

GENETIC FACTORS: Genetic influences have long been suspected. For example, retinoblastoma occurs in the children of the same parent. The Mongol race is more likely to develop cancer (leukemia) than normal children. However, genetic factors are less conspicuous and more difficult to identify.

Ben Branklin is an Authority in Natural Medicine. He's put together a Free site of the Natural Prescriptions. It saves you an expensive doctor visit, and more importantly it's safer. Go to to find the natural prescriptions for these health concerns: natural cancer prescriptions.

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Popular Celebrities That Have Been Diagnosed With Cancer

It's been dubbed the dreaded C and a lot more. It's a disease that can shake the faith of those faithful and take away the little hope of those hopeless. It's an affliction that doesn't categorize and can care less for the person's status in life. It's a disease that the world is trying to contain. It's cancer. To put it in simple words, cancer is an disease that starts from a tumor. anyone can be diagnosed with cancer.

Even the famous and prominent stars go through the trials of cancer. Here are some of courageous and popular celebrities that found out they had the Big C. every one of these personalities came forward in the open and gave it their all while fighting the monstrous disease. Christina Applegate is a very talented American actress that played the part of Kelly Bundy on the old TV series: Married With Children and currently as Samantha Newly on the show, Samantha Who. Last August 2008, reports that Applegate have breast cancer are released all over TV and the Internet. Christina's agent confirmed the news that Christina is diagnosed with breast cancer. The lucky thing about the diagnosis is that it was caught in its early stage. The cancer cells were found on just one of her breasts but Christina went along with a double mastectomy operation within the same month. The star's mom is a cancer survivor and since her cancer is greatly on the hereditary side, she decided to take action upon the dangerous threat as soon as she could. Applegate is now doing fine and will have reconstructive surgery in the coming months.

Acclaimed as one of the best female pop singers, Sheryl Crow is also a songwriter, political activist and has nine Grammy Awards to her name. Crow was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. As with Christina Applegate, the discovery was caught early. Crow underwent a lumpectomy, which is a procedure to remove the tumor in the breast. The singer also went through radiation treatment for nearly two months after the surgery. The performer has been free of cancer since the operation and is now on her second year as a cancer survivor.

Named Francine Joy Drescher, Fran is greatly recognized all over as Fran Fine from her TV series, The Nanny. In 2000, Fran was hurried to the hospital because of uterine cancer, a kind of cancer where the tumor affects the uterus of a person. Her cancer, thankfully, was still in its first stage when the procedure to take out the tumor was made thus she didn't go along with chemotherapy or radiation treatment. After several years of being a cancer survivor, the talented actress began an organization to assist others who are diagnosed with cancer. The name of the organization is Cancer Schmancer Movement.

The charming and sexy Patrick Swayze... Dudes envied his scene with Demi Moore in the movie, Ghost, and ladies went limp with his dancing moves in Dirty Dancing. No one can say that they don't know Patrick Swayze. He is now fighting pancreatic cancer. He has been undergoing chemotherapy and a operation to get rid of soiled areas of his stomach. His battle is far from being over but he's still out there winning the fight. He recently gave a moving speech at the Stand Up To Cancer 2008 event.

Jon Klemin is an amazing author who tries to encourage others to be charitable. Celebrity David Osmond is very charitable. David Osmond supports many good causes and is a great example of a charitable individual.

Acai Berry Research - University of Florida Says Acai Fruit Fights Human Cancer Cells

Acai Berry research is starting to grow. As the berry gains popularity, more and more scientists and nutritionists are researching its health properties.

One especially interesting study, has been done by the University of Florida in Gainesvile, Florida. The University of Florida found that the acai berries juice triggered a self destruct response in 86% of human cancer cells. Yes, the acai berry actually killed cancer cells in a petri dish, lab test.

Stephen Talcott, Assistant Professor, and one of the researchers, says we are encouraged by the findings compounds that show good activity against cancer cells in a model system are most likely to have beneficial effects in our bodies. He adds, "We are just beginning to understand the complexity of the acai berry, its juice, and its health promoting effects."

Because of the unparalleled antioxidant levels and super nutrient content of the Acai Berry, it is not surprising that remarkable benefits are still being discovered and health promoting properties are being validated with this little purple berry.

In the Brazilian Rain Forest, its natives have been using the Acai Berry for literally hundreds and hundreds of it to their women after child birth and using it for many other health reasons, and ailments.

Until European men came in with diseases, there were no virtually no diseases in the rain forest. There was no diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. Can we attribute it to the Acai Berry? Scientists are searching for the answer to that question right now.

Find out more about acai berry research or visit our acai berry diet site to request a limited time, free acai sample.

Cancer - Final Stages

When a cancer reaches it final stages, or also known as advanced cancer, it's usually no longer treatable. In these stages, the cancer has spread from where it started to other parts of the body. It is called "locally advanced cancer" if t has spread to only adjacent or nearby areas. If it has spread to distant parts in the body, it is now "metastasis cancer".

Cancer staging is the process of finding out whether it has spread and how far from the primary site. Although there are more than one system used for staging different cancers, TNM staging system is used most. It gives 3 key pieces of information: T indicates the size of the tumor; N refers to the cancer spread to the close by lymph nodes and M notes whether the cancer has spread to other organs or part of the body. The numbers and letters after these TNM letters give more information regarding each of these factors. The descriptions of TNM can be grouped together and labeled with Roman numerals from I to IV, a simpler set of stages. The lower the number, the less the cancer has spread and more controllable and treatable. The higher the number, it is more serious and hard to treat.

It is scary situation if a member of your family has reached the final stages of cancer. Witnessing a life that is coming to and end is heart breaking. It takes a lot of courage to be there and care for a cancer patient. At the final stages, the patient is usually very ill and dying, unable to walk but only a few steps, some time in much pain, confused and very depressed since his or her days are numbered. He or she tends to pull away or withdraw from people, disconnecting from life. The patient is under much anxiety and so are the family members. It is very important for family members to be understanding and patient with the cancer patient. Just stay around and show that you care and are there for them. Lending your ears and listen to what they have to say or want to get off their chest. A gentle smile or a gentle touch is all you need to do to soothe the dying person. Prayers are very helpful too. Offer to pray for them or praying with them. Your caring and sincerity can be felt and greatly appreciated.

Paying attention to the water you drink daily is one way to prevent cancer development. About 70% of the bodies' weight is water. It is the very thing the body needs most. Water is accountable for many body functions. Drinking enough clean and fresh water not only improves your overall health and well-being, it may also prevent you from many ailments and sicknesses. Give your body the quality water it deserves and in turn, it will serve you with the optimal health and appearance you have always desired. For the best possible water for your health, right from the faucet, for pennies per gallon, please visit Drinking Water Safety. After all, who wants to fill 70% of their bodies' weight with impurities, toxins and chemical treated water?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Natural Cancer Cures That Really Work

Cancer has become one of the most common diseases with millions of people being diagnosed each year. Despite the fact that cancer is so common, medical science has yet to find a cure for this deadly disease. The cancer treatments that do exist, such as chemotherapy and radiation are very difficult on the cancer patient and are often more physically painful than the cancer itself. More and more, people are searching for alternatives to these harsh medical treatments and are turning to natural cancer cures in the hopes of sending their cancer in to remission. Read on to learn about some of today's most promising natural remedies for cancer.

Diet Modification Therapy

The old saying goes "you are what you eat" and it has been widely speculated that our modern diet has contributed directly to the rise in cancer cases in recent years. It further goes to reason that by correcting the diet, we can reverse the damaging effects of unhealthy eating habits.

The enemy is fats, salt and refined sugars. Today's processed foods contain high levels of each. The solution is to completely eliminate all unhealthy foods from your diet in favor of natural raw foods.

Why are fruits and vegetables essential? Recent research has discovered phytochemicals in many fruits and vegetables. These chemicals, also known as phytonutrients are believed to not only prevent cancerous growths but to also be able to reverse existing cases of cancer.

Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy (also known as ozone therapy) for naturally treating cancer is a rather new idea, but one that shows great promise. The biggest benefits of oxygen treatments is that there are no side effects and the treatment is cost effective enough to be affordable.

It's a well known fact that our bodies need oxygen to survive. Oxygen therapy works based on the premise that oxygen deters the growth of cancer cells by neutralizing and correcting the pH balance of the body. It is also suggested that diseased cells and pathogens can not survive in an oxygenated environment due to their anaerobic properties. Beyond this, oxygen provides other important benefits to the human body.

Oxygen therapy to treat cancer (and other aliments) is already being used by many alternative treatment clinics across the country.

For more information on natural cancer cures and to learn about a revolutionary one minute therapy that has been scientifically proven to cure cancer and other diseases, Click Here Now.

How Does Cancer Start?

Cancer can occur in many areas of the body and behaves differently depending on its type and origin. Cancer consists of more than 100 different diseases, all characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Cancer is a major health problem in North America, striking an estimated 1.4 million people a year and rising. It strikes men, women and children in every country of the world and it is the second leading cause of death in the United States.

Every organ in the human body, the lungs, breast, colon, and brain, consists of specialized cells that execute particular functions, such as transport of oxygen, digestion of foods and nutrients, excretion of body wastes, reproduction, etc. In order for each organ to function as it should, exhausted or injured cells must be replaced or repaired. Normal and healthy cells have a code of conduct which dictates when they divide, grow, maintain, or execute a particular function. In healthy adult organs, an equal number of cells are produced in the body each day to replace dead or damaged cells.

In contrast, cancerous cells disregard this code of conduct, causing an imbalance between the number of new cells produced and the number of old cells that die and should be shed. This imbalance eventually leads to an overgrowth of cells that can cause damage in the body. Cancerous cells don't necessarily grow faster than normal cells, but they live longer and can divide more often during their lifetime than normal noncancerous cells. As a result, cancer cells accumulate and compete for nutrients, space, and territory with normal healthy cells.

Cancers that seem to run in families may be hereditary or may signify similar family environmental exposure to substances that cause cell damage. The lifestyle we lead also has a lot to do with cancer development.

Cancer risk factors:

  • Smoking: According to the American Cancer Society, one out of every three cancer deaths in the U.S. is directly linked to tobacco. Other than lung cancer, smoking is also a major factor in causing cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, and bladder. It is said that every cigarette you smoke, you are giving up 15 minutes of your life!
  • Environmental exposure: Air pollution caused by industrial plant emissions and automobile exhaust fumes have been linked to cancer formation. Secondhand smoke is the strongest link to air-pollution cancers. Exposure to radioactive emissions from radon in uranium is known to be responsible for the increased risk of lung cancer. Recently, concern has been focused on radon exposure in homes due to airtight insulation; radon can enter the home from the soil, the water, or from building materials.
  • Water pollution: Drinking water contains complex mixtures of known and suspected carcinogens including asbestos, metals, radioactive substances, and industrial chemicals. Even the process of treating water may in turn create small quantities of chemicals linked to cancer.
  • Alcohol consumption: Excessive and regular consumption of alcoholic beverages increases the risk of cancer, particularly of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus. An increased incidence of liver cancer has been documented among people with cirrhosis caused by excessive alcohol consumption and alcoholism.
  • Diet: Deep-fried, processed foods, high sodium, high fat, high sugar is the norm among most Americans diet today. It is clear that what we eat, or don't eat, have profound effects on the chances of developing cancer. An estimate that death rates from all cancers in this country could be reduced by more than 33% with practical changes in our dietary habits. Eating at least 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day is the highly recommended.
  • Sun exposure: Skin cancer is on the rise because of our love of the sun and a well-tanned body. Use sunscreen to help prevent skin cancers caused by either the direct rays of the sun or the results of tanning salons.

Change bad habits and live healthfully. Quit smoking. Eat foods that help build your body's defenses against cancer. Take vitamin and mineral supplements. And most importantly, see your physician for regular testing and health screenings.

About 70% of the bodies' weight is water. It is the very thing the body needs most. Water is accountable for many body functions. Drinking enough clean and fresh water not only improves your overall health and well-being, it may also prevent you from many ailments and sicknesses. Give your body the quality water it deserves and in turn, it will serve you with the optimal health and appearance you have always desired. For the best possible water for your health, right from the faucet, for pennies per gallon, please visit After all, who wants to fill 70% of their bodies' weight with impurities, toxins and chemical treated water?

Cancer Prevention - 5 Natural Foods That Prevent Cancer

Cancer is one of the major causes of death worldwide. According to an estimate, it is believed that one third of deaths across the world are caused by it. There is a general belief that cancer is a hereditary disease. Though external factors such as chemicals, pollution etc are also believed to cause cancer. Our lifestyle and food habits are major contributory factors of cancer.

The national cancer institute as well as world cancer research fund believes in healthy eating to prevent cancer. The five important foods to be incorporated in our daily diet for preventing cancer are as follows:


Broccoli, cauliflower, onion, garlic, carrot, sweet potato, spinach, beans, avocado, lettuce, asparagus are some of the vegetables to be included in our daily meal to protect ourselves from cancer. Broccoli, cauliflower, kale contains antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which help reduce the risk of prostate or any other form of cancer. Beans, spinach, lettuce, avocado contain folate which is a preventive food for pancreatic cancer. Tomatoes and sweet potatoes are rich source of beta carotene, a preventive vitamin. Vegetables should be preferably taken in raw form as they are richer in nutrients.


Another important food group to be included in our day to day life for avoiding cancer. Fresh, organically cultivated fruits eaten in raw form or extracted as juice prove healthy for an individual. Fruits like banana, grapefruit, orange, papaya, red grapes, strawberries, raspberries; blueberries are few important fruits which help reduce cancer. Papaya is believed to prevent the absorption of nitrosamines from processed food and cultivation soil, which are major cause of cancer. While banana is rich in potassium and red grapes are rich in bioflavonoid; the berries too are believed to possess anti cancerous nutrients.


This white meat is rich in Omega 3s and essential fatty acids which act as a preventive measure against breast cancer. They are healthy for our heart and brain. The fish oil is believed to protect from prostate and colon cancer.


drinking lots of water, juice, green tea and chai is essential for keeping our body healthy. Drinking 5 liters of water everyday washes down all the toxins from our body. While vegetable and fruit juices provide essential nutrients and vitamins. Green tea is a rich source of antioxidant. It has been proven by the American institute of cancer research that green tea contains phytochemicals which are believed to stop the transformation of normal cells to cancerous cells.


it is a rich source of protein. At the same time soy is also believed to be rich is phytochemicals responsible for prevention of breast cancer. Soy can be taken daily as soy milk, tofu, granules, pulse. Any form of soy proves beneficial except the processed form. We should avoid soy chips rich in salt as well as other processed soy snacks. In fact any form of processed food be it salami, chips, sausages or cool drinks is unhealthy and major cause of different kinds of cancer.

To Your Health!

Abortions Clinic Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortions, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling. Abortions Clinic

Symptoms of Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is one of the most serious types of cancer. It's so serious because there are not many symptoms and you don't normally know you have it until the cancer has already started spreading (metastasizing) to other organs within the body.

There several different forms.

Hepatocellular (also known as carcinoma and hepatoma): begins in the liver and can spread to other organs. 90 to 95% of liver cancers arise from liver cells. Patients tend to have this type of cancer after having cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis but no one is immune to this disease.

Metastatic: starts in other organs and parts of the body (colon, stomach, pancreas, breast, and lungs) and spreads to the liver.


Here are the main symptoms of liver cancer for each type:


  • Jaundice
  • Weight loss
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Pain on the right side


  • Fever
  • Enlarged liver
  • Weight loss
  • Poor appetite
  • Enlarged spleen

Other symptoms that can occur when a person has had liver cancer for a while include a condition called ascites (swelling of the abdominal cavity) and encephalopathy (confusion and drowsiness). These symptoms are usually due to the toxins that have reached the brain. Jaundice will become even more evident as the condition gets worse.

It can be difficult to connect any of these symptoms with liver cancer at first because they are also signs of other diseases. However, if you experience any of these symptoms it's important to see your doctor and have the appropriate tests run. Don't wait around if you think you may have a problem. This disease is too serious.

For more information on topics related to this article, click on Types of Liver Cancer.

George McKenzie is a retired TV anchor, medical reporter and radio talk show host. He is a frequent contributor to Health Information Articles, a resource site about health and wellness.

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